some people @ work

I mean if you sit in an office around more than just yourself how can you not have enough respect not to sing out loud when singing isn’t somehting that you should be doing anyway?

I need ear phones or something I am about to go :mad:

at least the music isn’t bad: WDVE like music


wow, that blows. Tell them not to quit their day job, then add if they keep singing maybe they should quit…

Earplugs AND earphones in my office. Especially around lunch time when the one guy eats his lunch at his desk. A pack of wild pigs make less noise… :down:


I know what you need… an Mp3 player! :wink: :wink:

Yes! Get your boy to find me one then…this sucks!!!

Now she is signing to ABBA, I might just have to strangle myself :mad:
Now it’s Fleetwod Mac. I should ask her if she knows who Stevie Nicks is. HAHA, maybe she’ll say I know him. ROFL (that’s happened before)

Of course I have like 3 sets of ear phones @ home. Tomorrow I am bringing them bishes in here!!!

haha… tomorrow I’ll lend you my mp3 player… although the only thing on there is 311 and sublime!

HAHA that sucks seriously… dude in the next office all you hear all day long is belching and I’m sure he’s farted in there as well… My boss just farts right in front of people like all the time… So although I feel your pain… You dont’ smell what I do

“who sings this song”

-“Stevie Nicks”

“you should let her sing it”

That’s going on right now right next to me!!! :eek4:

When it’s not chomping it’s burping, farting, scratching various areas, clearing of the throat and the almost constant click of the mouse while playing solitaire.

LMAO… nice yeah good luck with all that too - some people have no manners

that sucks big time!

Pick a more obnoxious song and sing louder than she is.

Or make up your own and sing it. Something like, “I like singing out louuuuuuuuuud… and making everyone hear meeeeeeeee… because I’m an asssssssssssssssssssssss… yeah an assssssssssss…”


Do it will Ferrel style like in the elf - - the tights are optional


play christmas music all day until next christmas.
thats always fun.

The guy in the cube behind me whistles christmas songs year round. Its not as fun as you’d think. :madfawk:


Do you know who sings this song? Oh, really, why don’t you let them sing it?

That always does it.