I am working on stuff at work. I am wearing earbud headphones with white cords. There is no way you can’t tell i have them in. But nevertheless, people always find time to stop by my desk and say something dumb. Today this lady stops, looks me right in the face and says something. So i fish my ipod out of my pocket, stop it and remove the headphones. She repeats herself:
“are you wearing your jacket because you are cold?”
Jesus fucking christ. No lady, i am wearing a winter coat inside because i want to make a fashion stement. But i just politely say “yeah” then go back to my buisness. I just thought headphones were a clear indication that someone didn’t want to be interrupted.
a person at work which is behind a wall next to my desk is soooo fucking loud and she makes NOOO sense on the phone sometimes. i just turn up the klipsch’s and say fuckit… then she says can you turn that down… and i say can you shut your door.
ah yes. I deal will this on a daily basis.
Usually its the person in the next cube yelling over and asking a stupid question.
I need to take out my ear buds and say “What?” which is usually followed by an inane remark or question.
oddly enough, this exact scene is replayed over and over at work multiple times. but, I do have an up my sleeve: the ear facing “traffic” is “budded” and the one facing (earing?) away isn’t. so any little bit that you think I didn’t hear I did, which has come in handy before
when I’m busy, I’m usually in a zone and it helps me bust shit out fast and efficiently. someone comes in to ask me about the bills or some clunking noise under their gmc jimmy :cjerk: and it just throws me completely off.
the 100% most annoying thing for me at work has to deal with a guy whose office is next to mine
a couple times during the day he bounces this fucking rubberband ball on the ground like a basketball… im not shitting the ball must weigh 10 lbs, so not only does my office vibrate a little, but everyone else on our floor hears it and feels it. its so fucking annoying i want to punch him in the brain
the only reason i dont do that is because he always has skittles and tootsie pops on his desk, which taste awesome
I wear my headphones … sometimes with no music. Just so people will leave me alone. I don’t really have to do that anymore cause I’m in a corner, where nobody has any business being… so its pretty quiet.
But now I have a new neighbor… Ms FuckingAnnoyingEbonics … she blasts the radio, slams her hand on her desk… which in turn shakes mine… and yells on the phone… on personal phone calls. Her only job is to schedule the meeting rooms for everyone.
day one: make the ball dissappear while hes not there
day two: act sorry to see it gone
day 3: buy him a small box of rubber bands so he can start making a new one