some questions about turbos

allright…first let me start off by saying that i know next to nothing about turbos…all i really kno is that a turbo works by using exhaust gasses to spin an impeller that forces air into the motor. thats about it. SO, that being said, im looking into doing some crazy custom twin turbo setup on my dakota (prob gonna happen next winter or the year after). there is a place that specailizes in Dodge truck performance ( ) that made a twin turbo dakota R/T using 2 Turbonetics T4 turbos. When talking to a friend (who knows his stuff about cars), he told me that for my engine, 2 T4s were way too small. so im totally lost.

so, if someone would be willing to take some time to give me a little ‘turbo 101’ info, it would be much appreciated. also, if anyone has any recomendations or can tell me what i need, please add that too.

o and by the way, the truck has a 360 ci 5.9 motor. if any more info is needed i can post that.

well first, if your trying to decide on what turbo’s are right for your setup, what exactly are your goals for said setup? how much hp are u looking for? do you want a quick spool, or do you want it focused higher in the powerband?

2 T4’s are not way too small.

oh yea, forgot to comment on that too.


im looking to get more power all around, but i think i could most bennifit from a little more mid rage and upper end power. ive got decent power off the line so im not too worried about that.

r u ready to build the motor? i dunno how well the 5.9 takes boost stock. twin turbo set up r u looking at a goal around 5 600 hp?u also gotta take into the fact how ir trannys going to be and the rear end of that truck. it sounds like it will be a fun project but you gotta be prepared to pay some dough


this will not happen.

as of right now, i have full exhaust, headers, and am getting the ECU reporgrammed 9which will obviously be redone when i get the turbo). before i get the turbo, im probably going to get Mopar R/T cylender heads and a cam and lifters. as far as the transmission goes, i have a shift kit for it that i have to put it, but as far as i kno, that twin turbo dakota i had the link to had the stock tranny in it, and i kno the Dakota R/Ts have a different rear end in them than the regular 2 wheel drvie dakotas. as far as what newman said, its gonna happen…just not for a while. im just trying to get some more information as to if this is possible and/or worth it. basically, this will influence the ‘order’ in which i do certain mods.

do a single turbo for easy of install.
big turbo, medium boost, will prevent smoke show @ the line, but will pull up top.
upgrade fuel, sell your headers, and put 15k aside for the project.

first b4 u do anything i would get a spare junkyard motor just incase it goes kaboom. make sure ur compression is up to shape too

whats the compression ratio on those motors btw?

check out the technical sectoin…there is a bunch of sticky’s on turbo kits and compressor maps that will help you decide what to do. two t4’s sounds like a fairly decent setup but i would plot the maps to be sure. A2B had a good question on your compression as that will factor in as well. someone else had the good idea of getting a junkyard spare motor…do that too. be prepared to get over your head on spending money. make your budget and then double it to be safe.

You need cam, roller rockers, maybe valvetrain.

depends on how much boost you wana run

T4s are not too small btw

im starting to think this may not be as chape/safe as i had once thought…i had the idea of buying a coupple of re-built garrett T4s on ebay, getting some1 to bend up some peipes, and put it all together and tune it…aparently this is deffinately not the case. now that we’re talking about getting a spare motor and the chance that mine ‘might’ blow up…so yeah

well - that’s how any major modification is.

You don’t “need” a new motor or anything

just be safe and tune

reminder : i dunno if your tranny will like you if you put that much boost through it, unless you build it.

Boosting any car that does not come that way from the factory is INCREDIBLY costly. The honda guys get away with it rather cheaply because there is so much DIY stuff out there.

Fuel Pump
2 Exhaust manifold
Intercooler (not necessarily but it does help a lot)
2 Turbos
Fuel Management

That is just a broad list of things you’ll need. The engine is probably not going to be able to take the abuse that you’d want so you’ll need to keep the boost down.

For the record and not to burst your bubble or anything but almost every NA -> boost car I have seen has not lived very long on stock internals…

get a WS6.

would i run into the same problems with supercahrgers? now thats a subject i actually kno something about and know that several comapnie (Vortech, Paxton, Powerdyne and the ever popular ProCharger) all make bolt on kits for Dakota R/Ts. so im thinking that perhaps thats the best way for me to get boost right now. i dont see where i would have to mod anything but the fuel pump, injectors, ignition and do a re-program on the computer. im thinking this may be the way to go. the turbo porject seemed as if it would be cheaper when i first started planning this out, but now i think i might be better off going with a supercharger. anyone agree/disagree?

o how i love those cars dearly…but im still a redneck at heart and love my pickup truck goddamnit!!! haha

there is always a chance that ur engine might blow up but if u can tune it well then u wont really need the motor but its always better to have a spare just incase something happens IMO