Some shit is going DOWN in Cali right now. *This pertains to you gun-nuts

Holy read the whole thing. Couple real douche canoes over there. The peanut guy mostly. To save anyone else from having to wade through all the meatheads, Flyin’s posts are what youre looking for.

Wont do you any good the cops will take your go pro.:lol

THis is what will happen, family will file court case, cops will settle out of court no one hears about it ever again & no police offers lose their job over it ether.

No i think you missed the point I was after. I was simply making sarcastic comment against those who think that police should be the only ones trusted with guns, yet the gun-trained LAPD are the ones currently shooting up things that don’t even fit the description :lol

LAPD put a $1million bounty on his head today, theres gonna be alot more people looking for him now

Hes fucking dead already.

Guaranteed he shot himself in the head in the woods by now. No other new shooting have been reported yet? February 7th was the last time any solid sightings or confirmed encounters took place (shot at two cops and burned his truck). That manifesto sounded like a lengthy suicide note in some parts to me.

He’s officially been labeled as a “Domestic Terrorist”.


The city put up that bounty not the police dept, they aren’t ballin like that! LOL

how can a city put up a bounty? Its not like if I had the money I could say “go find me so and so for $1000000”

that’s called conspiracy for kidnapping or murder!

No idea, but here is the first part of the article off CNN.

Los Angeles (CNN) – The city of Los Angeles put up $1 million in reward money Sunday for help catching Christopher Dorner, the renegade ex-cop accused of killing three people in a vendetta against his old department.
“We will not tolerate anyone undermining the security, the tranquility of our neighborhoods and our communities,” Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa told reporters. “We will not tolerate this reign of terror that has robbed us of the peace of mind that residents of Southern California deserve. We will not tolerate this murderer remaining at large.”
The offer – raised in conjunction with businesses, private donors and community groups – is “the largest ever offered to our knowledge,” Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck said. The hope is it will shake loose a tip that leads to Dorner’s eventual conviction.

From what I read, the Dodgers, UCLA, and several others are paying for the bounty. There’s already been a ton of false sightings which lead to investigations, which takes away from the real issue.

Mind numbingly stupid. I’m going to Canada, fuck this shit.

Wait is there a warm version of Canada?

Australia. Yeah I’m going to Australia.

Oh wait, fire tornadoes and everything wants to kill you.

How about New Zealand? Yeah. New Zealand sounds cool.

Hold that thought…


Shooter was last seen on the beach with 2-pac

It was just a dreammmmm…

He’s not going going back back to Cali Cali.

sippin daquiri’s?

No way the guy is dead in my opinion… he will strike again. Reading his manifest shows me he is making them all sweat, just what he wanted. May be a week, maybe even a month… but , his face is so well known, unless he has a bunker with a ton of food, his ass may be grass before he pulls another trigger. Just me, saying I think hes still alive.

I agree, I bet he’s no where near his last known wherabouts either.