Some shit is going DOWN in Cali right now. *This pertains to you gun-nuts

For all we know they probably already have him…

and are torturing him

Yup, he’s a sick fuck… I can only imagine what they are going to do to him if they don’t shoot to kill.

So are the people more mad at this guy for murdering corrupt people and related who feels have “wronged” him and running a corrupt organization…

Or more mad at the cops for almost murdering/manslaughtering innocent people trying to stop a whistle blower?

More what at this guy??? MORE WHAT?!

I would be/am more “mad” that these dipshits are panicking like little bitches to the extent that they’re shooting up innocent people with no provocation. They’re supposed to be the ones keepig order.

Also, seriously? 7 cops emptied clips emptied clips into that taco and didn’t kill even one little asian bitch? Jesus christ what an inept group of fucktards.

My bad

*more mad

The description of Dorner’s vehicle as a gray 2005 Nissan Titan pickup
Close enough :rofl

The police are buying the ladies a new truck.

You think it will be a Titan or a Tacoma? :lol

How about a Honda?

At that point, a driver in another pickup truck that look similar to Dorner’s drove toward them on Flagler Lane near Beryl Street. Officers, suspecting it was Dorner, purposely collided with the truck and shot at him.The driver wasn’t hurt, avoiding bullets that had ripped through his windshield.

Dat dudes ears HOLY SHIT

Im pissed they refer to any honda as a “truck”

Anyone else hear they want to use a drone to find this guy?

I can see both sides to this situation. It’s highly obvious what was in his manifesto exists; just look at the two trucks the LAPD shot at. Not even a close match and yet will anything be done about it? Highly unlikely any suspensions or punishment will take place. On the other end of things, going off the deep end and causing mass panic killing cops won’t solve anything. That will only get your name used in a made for TV movie on the Lifetime Network about the incident and your name in a Wikipedia page.

I recall reading that a number of cops are already suspended for the incidents.

As far as the drone, meh, same as a helicopter circling the sky, or cops patrolling the streets. Unarmed drones have been used in US for a while for border patrol, drug war etc. Besides the fact that something unmanned/mechanical in the sky is eerie it allows simple minds to fly crazy with ideas.

holy shit and I thought I had dumbo ears…:eek3

Buying a new truck is only going to be a minute part of the compensation. If ever a point for a proper lawsuit, I’d say this fits the bill fairly well.

The guy may be completely off his rocker but doesn’t appear stupid by any means. Takes alot to evade this kind of manhunt without loads of preparation, or outside help(or both)

While I can feel the guys pain his actions solve nothing unfortunately.

Oh I know lol. Everyone hears drone and they think its an armed unmanned killing machine that’s going to wipe out 5,000 people lol.

Another “manifesto” has been posted by another LAPD

Crazy cops is the new Columbine.

Dorner is in a firefight right now with officers at a cabin. He’s using smoke grenades and fully-auto weapons.

Source is the San Bernadino County EMS live feed.


Live video:

Doesn’t work on iPad. FUCK.