Some shit is going DOWN in Cali right now. *This pertains to you gun-nuts

Video sucks anyways, just some newscasters yapping.

Somebody check the police scanner up for LAPD. :ponder

5.0 radio on iPad.

San Bernardino system 10. They are talking about re-opening roads in the area.


One of the deputies he shot in the shoot out has died. He is officially a cop killer now.

Now placing bets on how many times the media references him using an AR15 in the shoot out.

I fucking hate reporters. Dumbest fucking people on the planet IMO. “I am so dumbfounded he was this close to where we were and all the police were”

Dumbfounded? You’re stupid. Guy was smart as fuck. Best place to be when they’re looking for you is exactly where they least expect it and there’s no better place than right under their noses.

He’s been a cop killer since Day 2…when he shot two cops and one died. You goof.

Suspect now in a white Ford Bronco in a low speed chase.

Oh, my bad. Now he’s a 2x cop killer.

Cabin is reported as on fire that he’s in.
It’s WACO all over again lol

Yeah here’s an unofficial transcript of the scanner as shit went down at the cabin:

“Make me a door”
“there’s something under the door”
“I think its camouflage”
“all I see are trash bags”
“there’s blood spatter on the back wall”
“The 1/2 wall?”
“yeah, there’s mattresses stacked there”
at the end, someone was told to pull the door out. Then they said something to the effect of “let’s proceed with the burn.”
I seriously doubt they wanted the swat dialogue on a public scanner frequency. It’s since gone silent.

4:16 pm “Burners Deployed and we have a fire”
“Be ready on #4 side we have a fire in the front he might come out the back. Coming on the foresight remember your backdrop”
4:21pm “One shot fired from inside the residence”
4:21pm “All units standby”
4:22pm “1/2 corner fully engulfed”
4:23pm “Ammo exploding inside”
4:26pm “4 side fully engulfed. # 2 and #4 fully engulfed, fire moving to 3 now”
4:31pm–firefighters are ready to put out the fire, awaiting 200 yards out since roof looks like it may collapse–


Also, unofficially, there are tracks leading away from the cabin. Hope he got away and pops off some RPGs or something.

Wouldn’t surprise me if they intentionally torched the place. They’re going to look like jackasses if he got away lol. I can see the conspiracy theory being cooked up now.

And then we will hear how drones enabled the police to track this man down. And all police should have them.

Speed limit 55mph. Drone enforced.

Drones with lazers and rockets and assault rifles in their wings.

…With mind control chip injector darts.

I’m going to start investing in tin foil now…

And since when was intentionally burning down someones home drafted into the procedure manuals for LAPD/SWAT? lollygag

You forgot the killer bee bombs…

Anyone willing to place some bets as to who’s gonna direct and be cast in the movie about this?

Eagle 911 Tinfoil hat

Made in the USA*
