Somebody loan this guy a camera!

whoa its a 2jz from a toyota mach 4

that is serious shit

Haha I can’t believe people try to sell cars with disgusting pictures like that.

the guy is saying anything to sell the car!!! My bro is going to see the car to day, I know were all the parts came from, harness, cross member, mounts, bell housing, 2jz. All good parts. The car is ok, I have see worse!!! I did not spot any rust on the outside, but the floor has a hole or too and the frame is starting to rust.

Ok update!!! this guy will take $2000.00 my buddy did not take the car, he bought a bmw instead.

yo dragone should of pmed me about the bmws man…

have an old school M3 and 02 M5 for a sale would of let go that M3 for cheap…

how much would the M5 cost? There’s no way in hell I could afford insurance on it-it’d be. 1000 a month minimum-but I’m curious. I know M3’s are in the 50K range.

gotta get back to you guys on that.

ill solve everything up by monday and let you guys know.

dragon ill send you a pm asap also.

guys if you guys need a LHD cars let me know. i own a dealership call “DKC AUTO”. just toss me some $$$$ on top ill hook it up for a dealer price :smiley:

just letting you guys know its 99 m3 going for $11000