Someone school me on TDI's

haha yea ive got one remember jam. anyways with vw diesels there are a few things to be conserned about when buying them first and formost would be timing belt/waterpump they generally last about 60k but i would recommend getting it done at 45 just to be safe. next would be check for leaks coming from not only the seals on the turbo but anywhere around the engine. the tdi’s come with little variable veins turbos and they spin apart easily if not monitored. now the fun things… stock 90hp and 145 ft lbs after a $300 rocketchip stg 3 and powerplus 520 injector nozzles you are lookin at about 145hp and 230-240 ft lbs and ontop of that your milage will INCREASE from about 44-48 mpg to 55-60mpg. that is if you can handle keeping it out of the boost. and remember if you are going to start modding get a manual boost controler and boost gauge first and foremost unless you want to upgrade to the vn17 turbo they used in europe…

cliff notes… TDi’s rule…