Someone stole my shoes.

lol it was me ahahah


So they’ve been located. And they’re being delivered.


oh god, you got fuzzy to volunteer again didnt you

once i was at a party where some random drunk girl threw up on everyones shoes. actually, that has happened twice now that i think about it.

another time i was at a party and someone took one of everyone shoe and threw them in the creek.

Ummm these shoes run kinda small, and…your feet are…kinda big. oh. oh. oh. by the way bitch, F*** YOUUUUUU

i like to upper-deck the toilets at house parties


haha when i go to partys and see a nice pair of shoes i take those, and leave mine behind hahaha


serious? remind me to stab you in the fucking heart

Who takes their shoes off at a house party lol.


serious? remind me to stab you in the fucking heart



baseball bat to teh face

I never seemed to have the problem of stolen shoes.

size 16 wide, no one else can wear them, and if they get stolen, theyre easy to track :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone stole my best winter coat at the Harlem roadhouse on new years. Now I have to wear the one with the fruity looking fleece liner until the weather gets warm enough.:cry:

man i usually party with all my shoes and glasses

so i have them


i like to upper-deck the toilets at house parties



Never tried it, but its been rumored to happen to people I know.



baseball bat to teh face

I never seemed to have the problem of stolen shoes.

size 16 wide, no one else can wear them, and if they get stolen, theyre easy to track :stuck_out_tongue:


Word, you only have to chase down the forklift carrying them. :tup:



i like to upper-deck the toilets at house parties


LOL a certain person on here enjoys doing that and its not me :mamoru:

I’ll buy u a pair of shoes :slight_smile:

Someone put my friends shoes on and tried to leave (I left my shgoes on, 'cause who takes their shoes off at a house party…really) I watched him go outside…I grabed a randon shoe…walked outside, told him he had the wrong shoes on, he told me to fuck off…I bitch beat him with a random shoe. Worse part, it was a girls shoe…like a size 6, and it was pink. Oh, and even worse…the kid jumped in his car freaking out and took off…I never got my friends shoes…but, I handed him a the pink one…ahhh when I was young:)
Who wants shoes?

someone on here likes pissing in peoples mouth wash cup in the bathroom, rinsing the tooth brushes in it, then throwing the unused portion in the dryer


i shoulda upper decked her toilet … to bad i forgot to shit on her exhaust manifold at beerfest

Just pick out another pair…



once i was at a party where some random drunk girl threw up on everyones shoes. actually, that has happened twice now that i think about it.

another time i was at a party and someone took one of everyone shoe and threw them in the creek.


i would definately fight someone for that (the creek, not the girl). i wear nike skate shoes a lot, and you can’t find them for less than $120 usually.

as for the girl; i dont know what i’d do. can’t be malicious to a female, but iw ould definately be pretty pissed. i’d probably figure something out


someone on here likes pissing in peoples mouth wash cup in the bathroom, rinsing the tooth brushes in it, then throwing the unused portion in the dryer


god damn, sometimes i forget about how sweet it am


can’t be malicious to a female, but iw ould definately be pretty pissed. i’d probably figure something out


yes, yes u can

sometimes theres bitches that need a broken nose

edit: and sometimes no matter how hard you try, you cant find a FULL beer bottle to throw at a bitches face



i like to upper-deck the toilets at house parties


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bahahahahha X?