Stolen Camera

my sister threw a party last night at her apartment on Tacoma Ave in North Buffalo. I took a few pictures with my camera, then set it in her bedroom and closed the door. bunch of shady people coming and going. came time to leave, and the camera was gone. the police are already involved. i’ll be watching craigslist, but if anyone hears/sees anything, i’d appreciate it if you’d let me know.

it’s a Nikon D90 with 18-55 kit lens and top-mounted SB-800 flash. 4GB card i think.

No offense but you sort of asked for it. Thieves suck but if you leave something like that laying around at a party, what did you think was going to happen? I’ll keep my eyes open.

hardly think leaving it in her bedroom on the desk behind the door with the door closed and lights off was asking for it. but, it’s a shitty world i guess. thanks man.

I love that someone asks for help it always turns into a lecture.

Pics of your sister?

Your first post didn’t say how you left it, just that you left it in the bedroom. I’m not trying to lecture, but when people say that they had shit stolen from their car and someone asks if they left the doors unlocked, then they say yes, it’s hard to feel like they did enough to prevent it. I don’t condone the theft but when you give thieves an opportunity, they’re gonna take it.

kinda like t tops off windows rolled down tablets right?

Fucking hate thieves, good luck

Learned my lesson smart ass. Mustav been in a “have faith in mankind” mood.

I play hockey at the rink on Tacoma. Judging by the rest of the neighbors I’m not surprised there were shady people there


damn norb, saw this on the 'book earlier, good luck.

Sorry I took your camera. In the heat of the moment I felt the need to snap of shots of what I was doing to your sister and when I was done I just took the thing. After I upload the pictures and video I’ll probably be willing to sell it back to you cheap. (You’ll have to wash the lens it got messy.) I’ll even leave the pictures on it for you to share with your friends. Tell your sis hi for me, I didn’t call her the next day. oopppss

Hey man, I’m trying to provide any help I can on the situation. People are fucking scumbags. You shouldnt have to worry about shit like that being taken regardless if its sitting in the middle of the room. People come to a place to enjoy drinking and have a party, not a free offering into someones home to steal something. Only thing I’m thinking is that we have to figure out who randomly ducked out without saying a word. You cant just hide a camera past people without just peacing out with out saying by… or someone with a baggy costume. Also would have been around the time people were playing with the fog machine and got it really really foggy in there.

Not funny. Sorry but theres a time and a place. Having about $1500+ stolen from you is not funny and would piss me off it I was the one that had it stolen from.

check craigslist like I did… I got my stuff back!

LoL man while I know it sucks the answer is SO obvious. Anyone you invited into your home for the party is a suspect. Ask everyone that was there…

Also, why not lock the bedroom door if you invite random scumbags into your house. Sometime life throws you a curve ball, laugh it off there isn’t much you can do about it anyways. Except post about it online :stuck_out_tongue:

oh man,for situations like that you should just use a camera phone or point and shoot,a D90 is a little overkill for a scumbag party. Check eBay as well,narrow the search results to a 20 mile radius.

Yeah it’s your own fault for having a sister!

Mom’s fault for not aborting. Call her in.

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