Someone stole my shoes.

How am I supposed to leave if someone stole my shoes?!

Some douche stole my favorite jeans from the laundry. Goddamn I was pissed. People came down to see why the dryers were bouncing off the walls.


Some douche stole my favorite jeans from the laundry. Goddamn I was pissed. People came down to see why the dryers were bouncing off the walls.


lol, my roommate was doing his laundry and some butt fucker threw paint in his dryer. good thing the kid was floating around laughing about it. so a week later, I pissed in his.

oh and btw the paint was oil based and all his clothes were ruined

I can’t go outside without shoes. God damnit.

I liked those shoes too! Hemp adidas.

i went to a party with a shitload of sXe kids, they were ragging on me for drinking and smoking, so Denton and I threw thier shoes on the roof of the house…


People suck wtf. Make some sweet plactic bag/cardboard shoes?

Didn’t someone steal a pair of jeans…

You only have one pair?

I want to go home, but I can’t leave. And no one here has the same size shoe as me.

Shoe delivery service?

or a carryout :stuck_out_tongue:

So they’ve been located. And they’re being delivered.

haha when i go to partys and see a nice pair of shoes i take those, and leave mine behind hahaha

^ I take it you go to the bowling alley and steal shoes there too huh

I steal things all the time. I stole those rims from hybrid

i hate you jay wonch


haha when i go to partys and see a nice pair of shoes i take those, and leave mine behind hahaha


That’s fucked up. And not funny.

a girl with one pair of shoes?

Thought that was impossible.

these shoes suck. these shoes rule.


these shoes suck. these shoes rule.


i love you for that reference

Fuck you with something hard and sandpapery!