something being filmed downtown

i gots all kinda shit

wireless, blackberry, cellular card.

i’m good to go!



i’m bored again… fuck!

go light up a joint in one of the bathrooms and leave it sit there and take off. It will stink up the room and someone will eventually find it. Then stick another joint in the desk of someone you hate. When the boss comes around asking questions, say you saw Joe Schmo leaving just before you smelled it. Putting a bunch of snack food on the guy’s desk and maybe a grateful dead sticker or two will also help. Then sit back and watch the drama ensue.

we have a jamician custodian… already smells.

:doh: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

They filmed outside Winschell’s Hardware in Etna too.

The word from all the Etnoids is that Mike Myers is producing or directing… IMDB has nothing on the movie yet, so I don’t know.

you suck

wasted coffee!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

there’s ALWAYS more coffee… :slight_smile:

yeah so the one trailor says ‘timmy and lassie’ … :dunno:

pretty ghey…

i just saw adam arcken or whatevr? i had no idea he was a ‘movie star’


don’t ask me… i’m the one that just said i had no idea who he was… some woman from work was like “OMG OMG” and i was like “wtf is that” w=who


People freak out when they see someone famous. I used to live in Los Angeles and saw half a dozen movie shoots a day. Saw famous people all the time, it’s like BFD who the hell cares? LOL From that dudes “filmography” he isn’t that big of an actor anyhow—

Go and tell that Lady he was in something called “Dottie Gets Spanked” :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

then punch her in the cooter and run!

I seen them filming last week in beaver falls :gome

you shoulda stopped by my work and said whats up