something wrong with this bike?

this guys been tryin to sell this for like 3 months since i got my bike, and i prolli would have gotten this if i came across it

seems relatively inexpensive, i would think hed ask for like 5500 or so

It’s prolly a stolen bike, I’ll see if b5a4 wants to buy it.

Chris, I strongly suggest shutting the fuck up.

<3 lol

I laughed… hard.

Anyway… call him, ask him if its been sprayed, ever had a pciii, ignition controller, etc etc etc…

figure out what the history of it is…

Go ride it, listen to it, and then buy it and sell it when you realize that this bike is 10x the animal you’re currently riding <3 <-- for sale for another liter. :doh: <— i need a learner bike (zx-10r will fit THAT bill) <— liter bike comp. (BUY another 600, clearly you dont need 150 whp) <— ughhhh my 1000 only made 140whp say no more. <— ticket one <— ticket two <— My favorite of them all… might i highlight my post… buy a modern 600, it will be MORE than enough for you to learn on… <— had a close call spinning up the rear on my 80 whp bike… <— racinggggggggg yea. <— lol wtb 600cc… or 750… but not a 1000, cuz i dont have the experience. <— some old gold… "ive ridden r6 and r1 ravens… "

gahh the more i search the more gold i find.
I’m sure there will be more i think of when i go back to work, but thank you for making this relatively easy/painless for me to type… <3 in the nicest way.


I personally would just buy an 05-06 zx-6, looks sooo much better IMO.

Also, Joey…whatcha say boi?

08-current… those are the gen’s… I <3 my zx-10r… .but i promise, id be dead if i had it as my 2nd bike… especially after coming off of a zx-6 @ 19 years old.

If not dead, hurt…

ubengineering… please go review those posts… buy a 636 for the same price, throw a damper on it, and go run some track days and hit up a big parking lot to practice stopping quickly and accelerating (if wheelies are your fancy)

ALSO. buy it over the winter… that way during the hiatus, you forget how much more tq it had… everything feels 10x faster after driving a beater around all winter…

Lol, I meant to say zx6r

^i concur… damper and go to the races!

YOU DO NOT NEED A CHROMED OUT (sliders, bar ends, windscreen), LOWERED, STICKERED UP, ZX-10R with a questionable history…

I will repeat.

YOU DO NOT NEED A CHROMED OUT (sliders, bar ends, windscreen), LOWERED, STICKERED UP, ZX-10R with a questionable history…

YOU DO NOT NEED A CHROMED OUT (sliders, bar ends, windscreen), LOWERED, STICKERED UP, ZX-10R with a questionable history…

YOU DO NOT NEED A CHROMED OUT (sliders, bar ends, windscreen), LOWERED, STICKERED UP, ZX-10R with a questionable history…

You said the gsxr was too much, too heavy (which is bogus), etc etc bike and you wanted to learn how to ride better/faster/smoother/and how to wheelie…

This bike will not help you accomplish ANY of those objectives. not one over your current bike.

The confidence inspiring 05-06 636 with fresh pilot powers, damper, and a geared up , not incompetent, rider WILL however go much further!

UB, if you want to ride my bike next season lmk, 03-04 body style and whatnot, but regardless, you’ll like it. I would take my bike over having a liter bike any day, it’s just so fun and nimble. IMO, when do I actually need to feel the difference of going 150mph as opposed to going 170mph? That’s why I’m happy with a 600.

The only reason i love my liter is because i live in the land of the flat… my jollies are purely from acceleration and commuting… that being said… nothing is easier than 1st --> 2nd --> 6th… and still pull on 99% of traffic while getting 30 mpg without having to downshift.

If i lived where there were ANY turns/hills/etc etc. id be right back on a 600…

The bike was laid down and when i went to go see it…to me …the sub frame looked tweeked

lol i was just wondering about the bike thats all, but im startin to love my suzuki it was just a little mechanically challenged when i first got it, i dont think im going to sell it unless someone offers me something,

BUT! i cant remember saying it was heavy cause its way lighter than my old bike, loling at i dont want a 1000cc thread

im happy where i am, i just like to check out other deals going on

and KAT, thats prolli why no ones bought it

i got my 1000 mostly cause i liked how it looked and cause it was cheap

edit: lol all these old threads of mine

edit again!!! all the liter bikes back in 02 only made 140whp, mines just a lil technologically old, i couldnt imagine another 20 hp on top of what i have, the only time i do WOT is 3rd gear an up

Its a suzuki… it will always be mechanically challenged.

lol too late now, i havnt tried to sell in about a month, im hangin on to what i have, im really startin to enjoy it


04-05 are the best zx10 made IMO. If I were to buy a liter it would be one of those.