SON charity event for Xmas?

just wondering if any of you guys would be interested in participating in a club charity event for Xmas spirit?
i dont know what yet, im just throwing the idea out there
you know, help out a charity, raise the club profile, be nice people and all that junk.


whats the charity. the foose project :lol:

maybe a tire shop can sponsor us so we can all do BURNOUTTTTTS!!
set a guiness record for the most consecutive same car burnouts.


i still dont know a way to come up with the money though :roll:

the charity idea is somehting we were toying with last year, but onthing happened
i was just wondering if anyone wanted to give it a shot this year, ya jackass

grab some old 240 shells that no one wants or already used all teh parts off it. get a parking lot and you can smack the hell out of them for 5 bucks or something. then set up a ride along drift track and all that. radio stations will support anything for charity. meh i dont really know thats just what came to my mind.


OK, get us the time place and event. Let’s start the magic guys.


there is a place in st. catharines where we can go and serve food to the less fortunate.

i had to do it in highschool for CS, it is pretty pleasant, nice people and you get to eat there too.

i remember the pasta being decent and always home mad edesserts people bring in.

I think we should honselt give what ever money we aquire through our fund rasing to childs play. the foundaton started by the guys at penny arcade, to which they buy toys and video games for hospitalized sick kids. perhaps we could contact a few ontario hospitals and set up a similar fundraiser up here in canada, or talk to the guys at penny arcade to arrange some of the loot sent up north to us.

I think we it is very important to show to all of ontario that we care, and doubley important to give a sick kid something awsomes for x-mas.

just my thoughts, but I’d be behind anything for sick kids 100%

that’s a really good idea.

I agree, even if we want to buiy the toys our selves, if we get $$ from fundrasing I can get Amazing priced on any toy form Mattel/Tyco/Fisher Price

Donating money to The Hospital For Sick Children is the best because:

  1. Your helping out sick children and families that can’t afford treatment for their kids.

  2. You get huge exposure, the minute you raise a charity for The Hospital For Sick Children they make sure every news paper covers the event.

Now we just have to figure out what we will do. I say we do something in Toronto that can attract many people and many donations.

We should see if we can get like 8 or 10 of the nicest 240’s in this club into the Santa Claus parade with our club banners on them and have a few people dressed like elfs or something with a Christmast theme walking along side the cars collecting donations from the crowd watching , usually there are about 1 million to 1.2 million people that come to Toronto for the santa claus parade. If we get just $1.00 from 1/4 of those people that is a huge donation!
This would take some work and finding the right sources but I think it would work great.

I don’t know, that’s just an idea, if someone has anything better please post.

This Christmas charity thing is a great idea, good work Dip.

Ya there would be not enough time for that how, they start planning the about a year in advance, so that would be something to think of for next year

But Good one jon

we can always canvas our respective neighbourhoods, on behalf of our club. for the hospital fo sick kids. easily organized. and only time consuming.


But it’s the thought that counts.