SON Logo for S3 Magazine

One of the benefits of Club Support from S3 Magazine is a printed 2"x2" Logo in their “Supported Club” Section of the magazine.

the other day I asked Dre for one and he dutifully and QUICKLY responded with this: (sorry Dre, I thought I had mentioned it before) Note, not all of your browsers will load this type of file, you may need a photo editing program.

Anyway, I’m not sure if this is exactly what they’re looking for. I think they’re looking for something a little more, Je ne sais pas (<shameless canada joke… silly Quebecers :slight_smile: ). I’d like some submissions from our artistically gifted.

keep in mind I’m waiting for input from them to see if this IS or IS NOT what they want. so don’t hurt yourself trying to come up with something… a couple nice drafts that fit the following criteria would be swell.

“600 x 600 pixel logo 300 dpi (save as a TIF or PhotoShop document”

after we have a couple suggestions/submissions, I suppose we COULD (note I did not say will) put it up for a club vote, to choose which logo will represent us in the magazine (or elsewhere, I’m sure)

I thought you needed this by today in order to be in the June issue.

I’ll make some fancier ones if we have time.

Note: TIFF files can be previewed in QuickTime Player.
if anyone needs the vector files fo rthe LOGO pm me pls.


I have submitted it to them, this is the response.

From Christina @ S3 Magazine

Thank you for the logo and web banner. I looked at both and they seem to be fine to me. A 2x2 area isn’t the biggest to start with but you have the 240’s in the picture and your website, it represents your club. I have attached a couple of samples on what other clubs have done that we like. Feel free to forward them to your “artsy” person :slight_smile: We ask that the logo doesn’t change every month. You are more than welcome to make a new one for the next issue but please keep this in mind when designing it. Obviously if your website or name of the club changes we would want you to make changes.

so, maybe we don’t need a new photo… I like the one we have, and it seems so do they. I’ll keep you posted if it’s not what they want. Although a couple options would be sweet, and might be able to be used elsewhere (event promotions, membership cards, etc)