SON240SX Hockey game?

it would be fun to watch the sonalings faces as they see there attempts get stopped over and over again by me

but alas,im too far away for a pick up game

id be down to play, ezpecially if in brampton, havnt played in a few years. i could probably et a goalie to if needed and not to far away.

I’am sooo down for this.

i down to play for sure there is a outdoor rink in east york i use to work there i could see about getting a permit there it shouldnt b to exspensive

I’m in.

I can play Goal.

Swet, we`ve got 2 goalies, lets get it done!

Also sounds like we`ve got some deals on rinks too!

Go Mark, GOOO!!!

Looks like we’re defiantly going to need an indoor rink.
Seems like mother nature doesn’t know what season it is…

I haven’t laced up my skates in years, but a ‘fun’ game I’m in for…

so when is it?

id be down if its just skate and stick =)

someone more central get on this…schools coming back and my college semester blows!

I would organize something but i doubt people will come out to Whitby…

any updates on this? national sports had a sale on hockey sticks and leaf jerseys