Songs on iPod, no songs on new computer, want to connect

how do I load the songs onto the computer?

I’ve never used an iPod and iTunes before. :jawdrop:

um there is a program you can download on but i cant remember the name of the top of my head

with the demo you can only move 5 songs at a time, dont know if a crack exists.


yea there sa few programs out there. all the oens i came across sucked ass, transfered songs suuuuper slow. that was like a year ago tho, im sure theres some new programs that are better by now

howie… forget itunes, get the new winamp, you can use the free version. it has ipod capabilities now. i just bought another ipod off this site and it came loaded with music, i was able to copy it all to my hdd, cleared everything off i didnt like and put all my fav tunes on there… super easy to use drag on drop. fast transfers too!
