Sooo lets say you dont like the war in iraq..

lol, this thread made it farther then I would’ve thought.

The exec order isn’t about a tieniman (sp), its continuing the bullshit power of the “enemy combatant” title

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:20,topic:32637"”]

Furthermore why am I being stopped going NORTHBOUND…

THE OPOSITE WAY that all the l337 smuglers are going, and/or would be going?


Because as many illegals that come from Canada to the US, twice as much contraband goes from the US to Canada. (which before you accuse me of that, I was never involved with)

And how is it stepping on your rights? It’s long established law that random check points are legal. The US border patrol doesn’t only have power in some imaginary zone drawn just along the border. Boohoo, you lost 3 minutes because of some check point. At least at a custom’s checkpoint you can roll through with all kinds of illegal stuff on your car (tint, exhaust, inspection etc) and they don’t give a shit. No aliens or contraband, have a nice day.

Oh wait, you’re the pro pot guy. That’s probably why you’re so pissed about these road blocks. Getting a little nervous the drug sniffing dog they have at a lot of the checkpoints might smell your stash? :lol:


Oh wait, you’re the pro pot guy. That’s probably why you’re so pissed about these road blocks. Getting a little nervous the drug sniffing dog they have at a lot of the checkpoints might smell your stash? :lol:


come on, lets keep this on topic. Pot has nothing to do with this argument. I’m very much for the legalization of marijuana, yet I don’t smoke. Pro or anti pot is not the purpose of this thread.

Well, I’m trying to figure out how he is so upset about a road block “wasting his tax dollars” because it’s in a position where they might actually catch smugglers, but he seems to be fine with one that’s set up right near the border, where people have just gone through customs.

His arguement makes no sense, which is why I’m looking for other motives for wanting the roadblocks removed so bad. Losing a few minutes for a quick stop hardly seems such a protestable violations of his “rights”.

And partly, it’s in response to his “But :tup: to you by profiting off of illegal activity.” like he’s never done anything questionable in his life.

Didn’t take long for this one to spiral out of control…

Oh wait, you’re the pro pot guy. That’s probably why you’re so pissed about these road blocks. Getting a little nervous the drug sniffing dog they have at a lot of the checkpoints might smell your stash? :lol:[/quote]

hey hey hey. smoke weed everyday:rx3:
(been 2 months since, im still going strong/feeling good. but MJ is a :whogives: situation and should not be an arguement here. MJ is its own issue with its own solutions, this NOT being 1 of them)


Oh wait, you’re the pro pot guy. That’s probably why you’re so pissed about these road blocks. Getting a little nervous the drug sniffing dog they have at a lot of the checkpoints might smell your stash?


Sorry, I don’t smoke marijuana. So I don’t see how this is a problem. :gotme:

Actually I was advised to avoid RT #11 when my wife (then girlfriend) was coming home with me.

I have no problems with sobriety check points set up by State police, I have no problems with registration check points set up by local police. I have no problem answer a couple questions at international bridges.

I do have a problems with border patrol on a power trip conducting policing actions on local citizens. I have a problem with illegal phone taps. I have a problem with loosely written laws that leave way too much to intreptation.


, twice as much contraband goes from the US to Canada.


Right, U.S. border patrol cares about what leaves this country :roll: So are you proposing that we have to check in with U.S. border control when we exit and enter the U.S. , I’m sure Gee Dubbya would love that brillant idea. We would have the perfect excuse to double homeland security’s budget.

The point of the matter is I am a U.S. Citizen leave me the fuck alone. I gave 6 years of my life defending the freedoms of this country only to loose them to the government.


Well, I'm trying to figure out how he is so upset about a road block "wasting his tax dollars" because it's in a position where they might actually catch smugglers, but he seems to be fine with one that's set up right near the border, where people have just gone through customs.


It’s not the roadblocks, that is only one small example. Maybe because there are better things we could have spent 500 Billion + dollars on the past 6 years.


And partly, it’s in response to his “But :tup: to you by profiting off of illegal activity.” like he’s never done anything questionable in his life.


No, but I’m not a hypocrite about it.

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:27,topic:32637"”]

I do have a problems with border patrol on a power trip conducting policing actions on local citizens.


Man, I wish I had so little to worry about in my life that I could actually get to the point that I would call a 3 minute delay for a checkpoint, “a power trip policing action”. Fact remains, they are well within their rights and jurisdiction, regardless of your incorrect view that they should only operate within seconds of the border.

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:27,topic:32637"”]

Right, U.S. border patrol cares about what leaves this country So are you proposing that we have to check in with U.S. border control when we exit and enter the U.S.


How many times have you crossed the border? I lived so close to the Quebec border I could hear the siren from my house when someone failed to stop at Customs. During the summer I’d cross several times a day. It’s very common, especially up there in northern NY at the small border crossings, to have US Customs check the cars LEAVING the country. Want to know why? Real simple… The people smuggling stuff into Canada are mostly the same ones smuggling stuff out. If you catch them going either way, it’s still a win.

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:27,topic:32637"”]

The point of the matter is I am a U.S. Citizen leave me the fuck alone. I gave 6 years of my life defending the freedoms of this country only to loose them to the government.


I sincerely thank you for your service, but it doesn’t have anything to do with this. Those US Custom’s checkpoints have existed long before G.W. Bush. I can remember being stopped at one on my learners permit at 16.

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:27,topic:32637"”]

It’s not the roadblocks, that is only one small example. Maybe because there are better things we could have spent 500 Billion + dollars on the past 6 years.


Yep, hindsight is a beautiful thing. What all the anti-war politicians convienently forget is the vast majority thought this war was in our best interest. Bill Clinton won’t ever say it now, but just before the war he was interviewed and said, and I’ll admit I’m paraphrasing here, “Iraq had WMD’s when I was in office, and we have no proof they got rid of them”. But, who cares. Now it helps a political party to yell and scream about how we shouldn’t be there, so that’s all you’ll hear. I’m not pissed at Bush that we went in, but I am pissed that he won’t admit based on what we know today that it was a mistake. I’m guessing that just more political crap though, because if you admit that the democrats would have a field day.

One more thing, about these, “illegal wiretaps”. The part you really have to dig to find, because the media likes to ignore this little detail. At no point did it allow surveillance on US to US calls. At no point did it allow surveillance on US to calls in other friendly nations. What it did allow was surveillance on calls from the US to hostile nations. I’m sorry, but I have a hard time getting upset about this.