Soooo.... Lambo Doors

Maybe pictures?

I also asked my mechanic and he said that going from 20’s to 18’s or 17’s would look TERRIBLE and VERY DIFFERENT so I kind of just left them there. But if you think it would be fine I would rather trust you on that :smiley:

Yes I have original jack and a tire iron but it takes FOREVERRRR to do it with that… I might have to though :frowning:

If you want a reference of what a clean mustang looks like on 17’s or so, look at the last 20 pages or so of “badass auto pictures thread” in appropriate section.

IMO I still wanted the new stock GT rims but cant find em cheap.

You think I can sell off these 20’s for a fair price? Thats another concern (strappppped for cash)

And another thing… You think black rims or chrome/silver rims?

Now this is something the members can actually help you with, finding good looking and affordable wheels. Now while I’m no expert there are a few members that are very familiar with the car and what looks good on it, such as 94GT or Bigred.

If you are strapped for cash, lambo doors shouldn’t ever have even been on the horizon.

Craigslist or eBay will be your best bet to sell the wheels. No idea what they are worth.

When you say “new” stock GT rims are you talking 2011? I only ask because the offset is different on your car and you would have to run a spacer to prevent them from looking completely goofy. For your car you could get any of these style wheels pretty cheap, 03-04 cobra, fr500, any kind of bullitt wheel, saleens, etc. Tons of mustang wheels out there. classifieds, SVTP classifieds,, mustangforums, all have classifieds.

I mean these rims. I think they are the bullit rims for 09-04 and gt rims for 05-09.

^^ those will work MUUUUUUUUUUCH better than current wheels, IMO. even a 19 inch set on the back and a 17 inch set upfront.

Gotcha, the 05-09 style have different offsets though, even if they may look the same.

I would agree however I cant exatly find anyone selling those directly… Nor will I be able to sell my set.

In any case I AM looking around for that set.

A quick question to general public.

Should ANY 5x114.3 patten fit on my car? Or are there any discrepancies amongst that set as well.

^anything is better than current wheels

I agree lol… But like I said, complications :frowning: finding a cheap good set… putting them on my car… Making sure they FIT before I buy them matters too. Dont want to spend 400 and then not have them fit :frowning:

i hear ya i hear ya, big money involved with it all. gotta check the mustang forums and see who is doing what and what works

I’d get the lambo doors over new wheels for sure

Me too…

-Offers the possibility of operating the car with the door open, in a manner that would be difficult or impossible in a car with conventional doors.
-Because the doors stay within the car’s track throughout their range of movement, they are useful when parking in tight spaces. A gullwing door style offers similar visibility, but the doors swing out from the car’s area slightly.
-The hinge is placed in a similar location to a conventional door, so a convertible version of the car is possible with the same door style.
-Reduces the dooring hazard to cyclists.

you forgot they would just flow with the car

Lambo doors would set the car apart from others as well, and will probably make the current wheels look better(believe it or not). My cousin’s old ‘01 Mustang GT with lambo doors looked kickin’ and was so badass, a big reason being…the doors!

I think this style would look cool if you could find a set

shiiiiit that was your cousins whip?? that thing looked poppin’