SOOOOO close to lucky 7's

So i was driving today and looked down at my odometer as it read: 47777 777.7 77°F

I pulled over to the side of the road to take a pic as my mom called me. I was talking to her while reaching to grab my camera and without thinking i was still creeping forward with the car very slowly…next thing i know… i hit that extra tenth of a mile on my tripometer (which pissed me off) then…2sec later the temperature dropped 1°. I was about to take a trip to the casino and drop my life savings on one hand of blackjack, but then i realized how unlucky i was just then. Anyway…here’s the pic i took…5secs to late.

you suck

/ yourself

btw i like your sig :stuck_out_tongue:

My spedometer goes to 140 too, but I don’t think it can go 140.



Actually, his goes to 155 (I think). BMW just needed to save weight/money so they skimped with every other number (crappy German engineering :stuck_out_tongue: )

kinda pissed that i was sooo close…i did quite a bit of driving lastnight to reclaim my gauge cluster victory…

i can now die a happy man.

lol, photoshop driving.


that sux

lol at the photoshop driving

my accord went to 138 :smiley:

you must have driven alot! lol

why didn’t you back up and pop the hood? The under hood temps would have surely raised the temp 1* and backing up 10 feet would have rolled back to odometer :wink:

you and montecarlochick just acted out your sig. ha funny stuff.

and josh, you still had 8 7’s. if you wanna make it 10 lemme know and ill give your 7 incher a 7 hour beej

Your door is ajar