Speed Bump Master

Well Being The Smart Boy I Am. I think my car is ok to hit this speed bump at 40 mph. Well needless to say the Exhaust is bout to fall off the car now. It sure did do a number to it. Way to go i guess i’m real smart haha. God i am so stupid.

now’s your oppertunity to get a 3" straight pipe…

good oppertunity to get a new car now

Well i DID have a DynoMax Super Turbo exhaust now its there but it even made a diffrence in the sound it makes. But it’ll hold until i get my suspension and strut bar/Fulken tires. Gotta have tight turning.

you’re still trying to trick that thing out? :rofl:

you should buy slows camaro

Laugh now cause you won’t awhile up the road from now

:eek4dance :ugh:

fulken tires :kekegay: :scared:


We’ll laugh then too if there’s another speed bump. :smiley:

one ? it had to be on a down hill grade for u to hit 40mph correct?

Actually man, most speed bumps are ok to hit doing 40mph, so you really werent being stupid. It was probable one of those new ones they came out with just recently with the updgaded bumping technology. And ya know, that whole adage about brick walls is a farce too. You can hit them going about 70 and it wont even leave a scratch. YOu should try it out.


i cant even make it over a speed bump! id lay frame :ugh: :embarassd

no you wouldn’t… you are just an idiot

its “speed Hump” lol

if you’ve been to south park you’ll know what im talkin about

Ive been to south park but i dont know what ur talkin about :greddy2:

i thought your car was unibody… :dunno: