I thought I would rant on here for a few minutes since I am bored and was hoping to veg out watching TV. Since I am basically obsessed with cars I can veg out watching the dumbest and most terrible quality programs. Why doesn’t Speed TV have anything anywhere close to this level? The bar could not be lower.
I can honestly watch West Coast Customs on Discovery HD while only being mildly offensive since its a program which has something to do automotive tuning. I can watch Powerblock on spike despite the terrible hosts and narrow minded mods (civic with front mount intake) I can watch it because I’m not that picky, I just want to see some wrenches turning.
Now Speed is supposed to be the channel for me, at least you would think.
So why can I never, ever, find a show that I can sit through without turning off the TV?
Unique whips is complete shit.
Nascar is insulting to my intellegence and technology in general.
Pinks… WTF, I would rather watch reruns of CSI
Barret Jackson is the same shit over and over and over again, with terrible hosts
Pass time, that guy needs to off himself
Two guys garage, Where did they find these people from?
The only two shows with potential of me watching an entire 30 minute show are: Gearz (why did they have to add that Z? stupid fucks) and cut chop rebuild, at least they get the super annoying host to follow around peope who know what the fuck they’re doing.
i dont care about nascar at all but pinks and pass time is cool a little just cause they done wreck cones and turn dont make it any less technical than what you do :gtfo:retardclap:D