Speeding Ticket Question

Ok my girlfriend got a ticket in Mt Lebo yesterday for speeding and the cop wrote other device down and Tracker as the Device used …I just wana know what the hell is a Tracker and how accurate is it as I know she never speeds cause her VW is a POS

other? thats new…some radar guns are known as trackers…i believe Decatur makes some that are called trackers…how much over was she?

I am prob wrong…but I thought cops only could use rador guns on the highway???

In PA, only State Troopers are permitted to use radar.

Did they follow her for 3/10 of a mile? I think i had an “other” once and that is what it was

What were the speeds?

Mt Lebanon cops are difficult anyway, but the 3/10th of a mile is nonsense, or outdated at least. Just go to the hearing, act nice and at least get the points removed.

YMMV/disclaimer/etc. I am not a lawyer. These strategies may or may not work and may get you a bigger fine if the judge decides to be a curmudgeon.

I prefer the path mentioned previously (being nice, well dressed, respectful), but if that doesn’t work…

The three main devices I see locals using is the “Robix Accutrax” (a fancy name for a “stop watch”), speed detection air lines + box on the roadway, and pacing/following/tracking.

Radar is state trooper only as previously mentioned AFAIK.

If you go to court and they’re insisting on a full point press (i.e. they won’t give you the BS no-point fine for “3361, subsection A”) , revert to a backup plan.

  1. If “stop watch”, argue that the stopwatch can be inaccurate due to operator error, even a well trained operator can induce enough error to cause an incorrect reading (search internet for case law involving speed detection and stopwatches that are “pressed” by a human being). Print out the case law and take with you in a way that nobody can see it unless you want to submit it into evidence. Sometimes, taking in a small leather briefcase is enough “intimidation” if you will, such that you may have a document inside that will sway the decision in your favor. They generally don’t like it when you start submitting documents for evidence…especially scientific evidence and what not that shows doubt (and that’s all you need is doubt to win, reasonable doubt).

  2. If they followed you, make sure the police have a copy of a recent certification sheet for the speedo (that was in effect before and after you were pulled over). Find out what the reasonable amount of time before recertification is required (again, search internet).

  3. If it was an air line controlled speed detection box, you’re screwed. They’re generally deemed 99.9999% accurate when calibrated and operating properly. Take pictures of the air-line controlled box and measure the distance between the air lines. Ask for the certification sheet for the box, and attempt to make sure the distance hasn’t changed (such that the reading would be off in any way). If the distance you measured was different from the certification distance, ask the judge to throw the case out.

  4. If it was that thing in Moon they were running, you’re screwed. They’re generally deemed very accurate as well. Ask for the calibration certification and pray you spot something on it that you can use against them (like questionable numbers, stuff that is scratched out, etc.) Anything to cast doubt…