set up your own speed trap

This is hysterical. Apparently Hot Wheels has produced a radar gun for kids that they can use to detect the speed of their racing slot cars. Ironically, the radar gun is also calibrated for street use and it’s already being used to slow down neighborhood speeders.

They are around $30.00 and can be bought at any main stream department store. So now, you can set up your own stationary radar trap and clock people yourself

I gotta get one of these!

if I did that I would get arrested for impersonating an officer.

and im sure youd post up a thread about it too :lolham:

lol thats sweet!

I have one, its for sports. busnell?

i wonder if this is accurate. Someone get one and go to the track

We have one of those at work (Fisher-Price…owned by Mattel) and we take ours up to AJ’s Grand Prix:)

Fastest we’ve seen has been 31 mph.

I probably weigh less than all of those people, let me go next time :smiley: lol

damn im gonna clock my slap shot! look out chara.

i thought this has been out for a while??

It has. My neighbor’s kids had one two years ago. It was accurate at 35 mph because we tried it on my truck.

I have a couple radar guns, my grandfather used to repair them I believe.

Many uses. What are the laws on using them on the street?

i know why IM buying one…

Only if you can beat my 23.81 lap time…I’m 5’10" 185lbs:)

Made CNN today.

I remember in the past some old couple setup a video camera and a speed gun at the bottom of their hill by their house down south somewhere and got sued for invasion of privacy because they tried to get people for speeding and even tried to sue a cop for driving too fast through it.

God, the bitch down the street from me probably has 10 of these already…


I wish he would come over to my hood and put and end to the dragstrip in front of my house.

Watching that video of the kid, and reading the article proved something to me…being a prick can be genetic. I don’t think you can learn that level of prick before 12 years old.