sorry bro but 69 in a 65 is speeding.
a cop can write you for a 66 in a 65.
im sure the judge and DA would get a kick out of it, but w/e.
sorry bro but 69 in a 65 is speeding.
a cop can write you for a 66 in a 65.
im sure the judge and DA would get a kick out of it, but w/e.
Now if the cop said he hit you with LIDAR you would have a case.
this is true, because it is a mythycal beast, half lion, half tiger, bred for it’s skills in magic.
owned by doppler effect…i feel for ya because you have a good amount of driving to do if you want to fight it :tdown:
i had a speeding ticket before where no radar was involved he just pulled me and gave the ticket. in court he brought a certificate that stated he was certified to judge speed within 5 mph and it held up so i wasted my time fighting that one. better off to pay and be done sorry man
Well… sounds like theres a 99% of you getting screwed here… lied or not, unfortunately hes a police officer and his word > yours…
If you really want to cause problems for the establishment hire a lawyer and have a good chance of walking away with a small fine…
well obviously you werent speeding because you posted your story on the internet and that must be true.
That + or - 5 miles that they can judge your speed off of seems like a big gap. That could easily put you into a higher penalty bracket.
yeah thats what i said but the paper he had verified it and thats what the judge went with… sucks