Speeding ticket

How old are you? one of the shittiest places to get a ticket? you will have to respond by entering a plea of not guilty. you will then be given a court date. you will talk to the town prosecutor and based on your speed i would say you are getting a 150 to 200 dollar fine. however you are also getting a minimum of 2 points regaurdless if you goto school or not. also for amherst SHOW UP WITH THAT AMOUNT OF MONEY WITH YOU. I cannot stress that enough! if amherst does not give you drivng school you have to pay that day. no acceptions. was it a new york state trooper or a amherst police officer. if it was a nys trooper request a supporting deposition. troopers hardly ever show up to court. thats how i got my ticket in niagara falls dismissed today(i was going 80 in a 55). however if he does show up you will be fucked