Speeding ticket

O rly? Thanks for contributing to this thread though.

maybe I should change my name to IWantaMK3Supra. I can afford those.

just so you aware that judge will teat you apart if you had three other tickets(i believe clarence still uses amherst court)

:wave: ive gotten points from amherst.

fry, really? have you ever had a speeding ticket?

my friend went to amherst on valentines day and shwe got 2 points it was her first ticket. amherst gives out a minimum 2 points to everyone under 25

this may be new, but its not what I experienced. I dont think you can ever really put “always” in front of that. there are always different situations.

Ive gotten both no points and points from tickets in amherst.

you are right everyone i know. i know alot of assholes though. i have had one good experience in that court that was it. i hate amherst cops and i hate that court more

3 amherst court appearances here, 100-150 every time (klein did 100, farrell 150), no school, no points

yeah amherst knocked down some long overdue tickets right to expensive parking tickets for me.

lawyer and not guilty.

Since you already have been to school recently you won’t be able to take that as a plea bargaining option. You said you have had two previous tickets but since they were knocked down to non-moving violations I wonder what the DA will see? Would he see no recently moving violations? I would think that would get you some leniency.

That must be recent. Plus, is that even legal? 4 years ago I had a speeding ticket in Amherst that was dropped to a muffler ticket + driving school. No points and it cost me about $100 including the class

i got a ticket going 14 over yesterday :frowning: my 1st speeding ticket (i’ve been very lucky until now) lol

14 over FTW = parking ticket, no points no school