speedo sensor location?

so speedo doesnt work… needle holds over 180…
comes on every once in a while… did some reading and found out its usually the connection to the speedo sensor… or the sensor itself…
jacked up car… got under… theres one set of wires… yellow wires going to one connector… and another set… black going to another… the black wires were… cut… almost as the sensor that goes into the tranny… but it doesnt look like it was done by somone… more like… something on the road… not sure if this is my problem? so basically what im asking is… what color r the wires going to the speedo sensor? ty.

IIRC they’re yellow/green and yellow/red

do you know the purpose of the 2 black wires… it goes to something in the tranny a couple inches infront of the speedo sensor… is it a problem that theyr cut?

replace the cluster. there cheap and it will solve the problem.

… and if the problem is the sensor?
and im truly curious as to why wires going to my tranny are broken/cut…
and what purpose they hold

i just changed my cluster,
mine used to go up to 20mph when i start the car, and goes from there. when the cars stopped its still at 20mph.

changed the cluster, and everytings fine.