Spitting on my car: Who is doing it and why?

I work at a bar downtown on the weekends and I try to always park in what I consider reletively safe, monitored, well-lit areas to prevent any shenanigans happening around my car. I have friends that have had mirrors kicked off, windows broken etc. Although, I have not had anything destructive happen to my ride, every time I walk back to my car after my shift I find people have spit on it. Every time! Last Saturday was the worst occurance yet with at least 4 visible “hits”. Now I can’t for the life of me figure out why anyone would want to spit on any car, much less multiple people spitting on mine in one night!

Is the mob trying to send me a message? Dangerous conspiracy involving the illuminati? Should I phone Dan Brown? Or, is this just drunk psychos compulsively spitting on my bimmer. …and why!!!

You work at a bar downtown…


You work at a bar downtown…



And what year is your bimmer? Chances are it’s just assholes who think it’s nicer than their POS, so they spit on it.

I have seen so much shitty stuff happen to peoples cars downtown it kills me. Chances are its all random assholes who think its funny.


I work at a bar downtown on the weekends and I try to always park in what I consider reletively safe, monitored, well-lit areas to prevent any shenanigans happening around my car. I have friends that have had mirrors kicked off, windows broken etc. Although, I have not had anything destructive happen to my ride, every time I walk back to my car after my shift I find people have spit on it. Every time! Last Saturday was the worst occurance yet with at least 4 visible “hits”. Now I can’t for the life of me figure out why anyone would want to spit on any car, much less multiple people spitting on mine in one night!

Is the mob trying to send me a message? Dangerous conspiracy involving the illuminati? Should I phone Dan Brown? Or, is this just drunk psychos compulsively spitting on my bimmer. …and why!!!


The answer is obvious, sell zee beamer. Buy a siqqq camaro, and instead of spit you’ll find ladies swooning all over your car when you get out of work.

Honestly though, if you have a nice car downtown that’s going to happen.


I know that it is obviouslly just some jerks that either don’t like European or are jealous, but it just fascinates me how it happens so often and multiple times a night. There are other nice cars that are parked downtown and mine is by far not the nicest. It’s clean, not ricer either, but its not baller or pimped out to draw all sorts of attention. Hell, I live on Forest Ave and always have drunks walking back to thier cars from Coles and Goodbar etc. Nothing ever happens there. IDK I guess I just have to start parking further away from the retard strip.

buy a beater, problem solved

what kind of bimmer?


i bet if you drove an e30 this wouldnt ever happen :smiley:

^^^^ true

Next person that says shenanigans is going to get pistol whipped.

Sorry about the car, buy a beater or pay a homeless guy a 6-pack to watch it for you. Just make sure you get hobo-stab insurance.

haha people are nuts these days

I say you park the car in the same spot and have someone part down the street and watch it. Bring a baton.

It’s an e36. I work at skybar and have been parking it close enough that the bouncers can keep an eye on it, but they’re just not gonna catch some asshat spitting on it, ya know? True about the beater, though. I would buy one, but first I need to sell my S80 :wink:

OT: ugh, the dj at skybar is god awful. someone please teach him some basics. everytime you switch songs should not be a train wreck.

I agree. The DJ we had Friday night was horrible. He spins at 68 West mostly (take it from there :banghead:) The DJ we had Sat night was a chick (DJ Vixen?..) She is actually alot better.


It’s an e36. I work at skybar blah blah blah


I found the problem.


I found the problem.


LOL, it’s not that bad…

Well. lemme ask you this, does this bar have a patio? If so thats why, if its a roof top patio I do it all the time, see where you can spit kinda drunkin contest. Especially spittin on a bimmer, Just like the movie roadhouse, buy yerself a beater with 4 spare tires.

Hey Farva whats the name of that restaurant yer always tryin to get us to go to with you?

Impossible to hit my car from the roof… These are def. close range attacks.


I agree. The DJ we had Friday night was horrible. He spins at 68 West mostly (take it from there :banghead:) The DJ we had Sat night was a chick (DJ Vixen?..) She is actually alot better.


i was there on the 2nd. ugh it was terrible.