Splitting internet cable for a TV (TW)?

TW ran a cable line into my spare bedroom just for internet. If I split that line with a 2-way digital splitter (5mhz-1ghz) for a TV in that room, will it slow down my internet and/or have a bad TV signal?

I assume you have a subscription for both internet and TV?

Yeah internet, digital TV/DVR, etc. TVs are all in other rooms on different lines.

I’d just rather split the line myself if its not going to cause any problems, rather than deal with waiting for a TW guy to come out.

Just get a splitter and don’t try to roll your own cable and you’ll be fine.

Get a decent quality splitter and it should be fine. None of those .99 walmart specials. I had multiple splitters on my cable modem line with no issues in cable or internet performance. I was getting some static on one TV, but when I switched out the splitter for a better one it went away.

may need an amplifier

not in front of the modem tho.

Nice, I have a good digital splitter sitting around anyway.

Thanks :tup:

Best setup is to have one two way splitter on the line coming into the house, one split goes directly to the modem and the other has a foot or so of cable into another splitter which branches out to all the TVs.

Each splitter will degrade quality.

Should be fine, as long as there is a proper signal there should be no notable speed drop.

If any problems with signal loss Brett let me know, I could get someone out there asap.