Spoiled college kid getting tasered... vol 2


He was being an idiot no doubt. It’s a wider problem beyond that lone db. Law enforcement are supposed to be there to keep the peace. In many situations of late the law enforcement personnel are the ones making a scene. They shouldn’t be provoking trouble just so they can arrest people. They should have dragged him out of the building, maybe write an appearance ticket for criminal mischief or something stupid like that, and sent him on his way. If he was dumb enough to come back, then arrest him. Furthermore this shit clutters the judicial system and costs the taxpayers more money. Shit like this (and primarily drug laws) are the reason that the US a percentage of the population incarcerated that is ten time that of most of the civilized world.

I don’t know why people must make this about “he’s a dumbass, he deserved it.” With that kind of logic a lot of people on Capitol Hill ought to be tasered. Actions in these situations should be dictated by the threat of harm to the officers, the public, and the suspect - NOT whether somebody is being a dumbass or whether the cops feel like being pricks or whether somebody wishes to quell dissent.


^ I would classify that as “disorderly conduct”. The cops tried to drag him out and he was pushing and fighting with them. As far as I am concerned the cops had every right to use non-lethal force to coax him out of the building.

Ten years ago I may have sided with the students but there comes a time when you have to grow up and realize that if you mess around with law enforcement they will make you sorry.