Sporty Benz Sedans?

lol no, i dont fit well in mr2s

if you dont keep/finish your shit…your gonna regret it…and BAD

you HAVE ALL THE PARTS…JUST PUT IT TOGETHER AND ENJOY IT before you make a hasty decision.


My car payment is over 300
I still live at home
I have my own house (under renovations, almost complete)

= I am a tool :wink:


You didn’t even need to mention your car payment for that one

^ ahahahah

I’m 22…
Home owner.
But I guess some people need to make these kinda of mistakes, so that I can move forward in life.

I’m not sure what Dos is bringing home everyweek… but I know $1300 into the house (mortgage only) and a $300 car payment ain’t no thang when you’re tru balla.

Blow your wad on a car, and live at home forever…