Spotlight on 51

girlfriend is driving home at the moment and is telling me theres a spotlight in the Macdonalds parking lot right off 51 in brentwood… then theres 2 people holding signs in the old gulf station that states “follow the spotlight” and its pouring down rain… :wtf: :stick:

is macdonalds having a sale or something? :rofl:

Your post really sucks fucking balls at the moment

I agree

I saw this too…it was around McDonald’s but I honestly could have cared less to find out what it was for. I was waaayyy to tired!!

lick taint dickjar

I wish I had 3 hands so I can take a picture and give this thread two thumbs down…

Considering the shit they sell at McDonald’s a lot of people will be going towards the bright light. It was probably the grim reaper.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :owned:


that was a sad sad attempt to sound like darkstar