Spray / Finishing Booth

Does anyone here have some legitimate skills with regard to how a spray / finishing booth should work? We have a situation where we really need someone to direct our company as to how we should adjust / modify our new finish room setup to work properly. This setup was originally implemented by the owner, and I feel like he had the right idea, but may have missed some key points.

We’ve gone through quite a few rounds with a local company who really doesn’t specialize in finishing booths, but I think we’re close to figuring it out. We just need to get that final piece of the puzzle and we’re not sure exactly what that is. As busy as we are, having a booth not performing the way we’d like is really causing some issues. If anyone thinks they can help, let me know. This could be a paying gig. Thanks.

We use Clark Air out of EA for our paint booth service. I believe they did the original install as well. They should be able to get you set up.

I’ll give them a call when the time comes. We already have a “booth” set up but it’s not what most people would picture when I say booth. Thanks for the contact.

Clark is a great vendor for dust and particle collection. Very good customer service, would recommend.