Sprint data no longer "unlimited"


We guess we all knew this was coming, granted, but it’s still a sad day whenever you see another carrier fall to the dreaded “unlimited” ambiguity syndrome. Following Verizon’s and AT&T’s leads, Sprint is the latest to declare that unlimited does not, in fact, mean unlimited when it comes to data card usage – it turns out that 5GB should be quite enough for you, apparently. Taking a page out of their rivals’ books, Sprint “reserves the right to limit throughput speeds or amount of data transferred and to deny, terminate, modify, or suspend service” if that soft cap is violated (or you exceed 300MB of data while roaming) once their Terms of Service are modified on July 13. TOS modifications are famously ripe opportunities for escaping out of contracts, so if this leaves a bad taste in your mouth, feel free to try to get out in a couple months – not to say there’s hardly any carrier out there that’s friendlier to heavy data users at this point.

“We guess we all knew this was coming”


yeah, toobad really. It should be unlimited from everybody

it really can be a large strain on the network though…

poor sprint… they are sinking so fast… the lost 1m subscribers, and alltell picked up 1m… coincidence?

everyone picked up 1M+ last quarter.

lol well good thing i got my 11gb month in b4 this went down …

Rumor has it, big dog verizon is trying to buy alltel…but thats a rumor for ya

as of today i transferred 75bm… some days im way over a few gb’s…

i need to go talk to my sprint guy… what i signed was an unlimited contract, not some neutered crap.


^ Of course its nothing official until theres press about it, but thats what i hearrddd…

Personally I cant stand Alltel ads, worst advertising technique ever. its like political ads but for cell phones.


Is this for their phone data plan or their wireless modem plans? Both?

I would assume both

just somethign thats been floating around the building

personally id love to see verizon :krazyjon:alltel

T-Mobile FTW

no way man. competition = more better

gtfo. that has no relevance.

well i just saw another commercial… u would figure if they were pulling it they will modify the commercial.

Yeah I heard you guys had a lot of fun using your phones this weekend