Sprint fires back at "unlimited plans"


Sprint’s plan includes unlimited voice, data, SMS messages, email, Web, Sprint TV, Sprint Music, GPS navigation, DirectConnect and Group Connect. The plan is called Simply Everything, and is available to both CDMA and iDEN customers. Customers will be able to switch to the new plan without extending their current contracts. Sprint will also offer an unlimited everything plan for family lines as well for an incremental $5 discount for each additional line.


reason #15952376551 sprint > *

i already have unlimited data, txts…but damnnnn

thats awesome.

well, no. but this should shake up the industry a bit.

It’s about time. When I was in Finland in 2003, they couldn’t wrap their heads around the concept that we paid per minute here in the US. I took that to mean that our plans were QUITE out of touch with the rest of the world (to the consumer’s disadvantage).

Anyway, here’s to hoping truly unlimited plans get to be more common and affordable. Compared to something like the iPhone plans, though, $100-120 a month isn’t a hell of a lot more for unlimited everything.

Is that unlimited data as in tethering as well?

no idea.

love my new SERO plan, 30/month for 500 min unlimited data/text

love sprint now, if only their customer service didnt blow


It seems like the Scandanavian types are way ahead of us in this technology.
I remember reading years ago that people use their cell phone to buy stuff.
I mean from vending machines, etc.
Maybe someday we will be able to catch up to them.:bloated:

nice, now hopefully AT&T jumps on board aswell

I have had this plan for about 4 years now. People look at me wondering how the hell is my phone bill is so cheap.

Its a bold business move, I mean I’m sure there will be some people jumping on, but then the issue becomes thats the MOST you can charge for all those services. i dunno about maxing out your arpu so low…

edit: maybe they are hoping all those people they are losing money/barely breaking even on on sero jump to this plan.


i <3 my SERO plan and my discounts :slight_smile:

i hope verizon does something about data now. me want a pearl

Awesome, I’m going to have to switch

T-Mobile is killing me, but I love my blackberry :tup:

edit: what is that website where you can sign your plan over to someone? so you dont have to pay the fee’s?

now that they have this plane i hope they would lower other things… like text and web

dont hold your breath. pay2play

Sprints desperate attempt to regain customers.

Every day 7 out of 10 people switching to AT&T are from sprint, due to their shitty service even though its cheaper. 2 are from verizon and one from AT&T.

Rumor has it, AT&T is trying to buy out Alltel.

Sprint > *… sero rocks… their service does suck though