sprintPCS people...

im in…giggidy giggidy

took for fucking ever since i was on a business account, so i had to cancel off of that (and the business people are most incompetent and most uncaring people in the fucking world) and then get transferred back to normal customer service and they switched me over no prob…so now i get:

500 anytime minutes
unlimited sprint/sprint
power vision (unlimited data/photo/web)
free one year of nights at 7
500 texts

for $35 a month


do i have to resign a contract?

i couldnt get it?

they told me go online, and i said, i have a contract already and she said i cant help you :frowning:

any suggestions?

JDMR2 how did you get it?

got it!


huge tup!

if you want to switch,
be nice on the phone,
and very patient…
you may need to call a couple times.


took me a bazillion hours on the phone and had to deal with some fucking asshole cs people, but totally worth it :slight_smile:

do i need to reinstate my 2 year contract???


yes u need to resign.

glad u got it sean

you think you’ll be able to do a 2 phone setup using those plans?

not a family plan, but you could split the lines, so they are both their own plans, then switch them both to sero

i didnt have to resign.


yes u did. i bet if u check now ur contract end date is 2 years from now.

i checked…im still up at the end of 07…


then ur within the 90 day period to change ur plan. anytime u change the main part of the plan itself, as in the minutes/$$, then ur resigning your contract. if ur up at the end of 07 then u just resigned it not too long ago and they give u 90 days since then to play around with it. you lucked out.

i got this phone/plan beginning of this past summer. so i dont know how this happened…not like i will be switching out now. this + my disc = goooood deal.


Sprint customer service sucks ass. I have talked to 9 people at Sprint between CS and business. Pain in the ass. 2+ hours on speakerphone

Evolve, you know of any way to get the PPC-6700 cheap?

Got any similiar plans at Verizon?

the ppc-6700 cheap? convince someone to insurance claim it theirs and sell u one. make sure it wasnt reported stolen.

no similiar plans on vzw.

smartest thing to do is DEMAND to get off of the business plan and back to normal customer, then you can get on this the same night

at least i did…after like 2 hours on the phone screaming to take me off business plan asap or i was walking to verizon when i hung up the phone

probably helped that i was out of contract at the time too…

I seriously doubt I’ll ever get over to SERO. I don’t want to lose my phone numbers and they keep saying I need a new account to get it.

This is a major pain in the ass. I read about other people getting on it with no problem. Either the people I talk to know everything about it and don’t want to give it to me or they know nothing and transfer me to the people that don’t want to give it to me.