Squids. Just a reminder...

Cotton jeans will shred just as easily as dress pants if they’re sliding along the pavement. If you’re willing to ride in jeans then go ahead and wear your dress pants.

Just sayin. :shrug:

Ugh i want a bike so bad but i am afraid of the consequences of riding one. Not really on my end but the fact that i can not control others on the road. This must sound rediculous coming from me haha. FAIL

Oh don’t be a pussy. It’s just like riding a camel except the bike won’t spit.

Im just curious as to the guys that ride bikes to work and work in an office enviroment do.

By office enviroment I mean, Dress pants, and shirt and tie type.

What do you guys wear, and what do you do.

Mostly for pants the top half of my body is set.

So what do you guys do for pants, I am going to be a very very new rider, and dont want to fuck myself up becuase ill probably down the bike at least once.

Well since you put it like that!

I used to ride to work when I was a pharmacy tech. I wore jacket, helmet, gloves, dress pants, and clean boots and was extra careful to not ride like an ass, in bad traffic, etc. Not foolproof, but that’s what I did.

Its mostly all highway driving to work which shouldnt be too bad as long as I dont drive like a douchebag.

The bike im using isnt a crotch rocket.

It doesnt even run yet, and I dont have my licsense so i might not even get out this year.

I’m pretty happy with the one I picked up off you. I just wear that and my crocs…

jk on crocs

I wear jeans I would like to find something a bit safer, but I am not going to wear chaps, and being fat leather pants are out. I have been looking into armored jeans, but I would like to try something on before I spend 90 bucks on it. It is hard to find something both safe and comfortable.

Didn’t even think of this ^. Very very true but consider this. I spent 700 to have my bike ready for the summer and DIDNT EVEN GET TIRES!! I will need tires soon so thats another $500. So I will save roughly $500 this summer in gas so already I’m in the hole the original $700. Oh yeah and I forgot about my wallet that I dropped on the 290 with roughly $450 in it but thats my own dumbass fault for rushing and not zipping up my pockets.

Sounds like I need to take a cruise on the 290…

Too tired to make you my bitch. I will save it for another day.

Someone found it and turned it into the cops and claimed there was no money in it. I spent all Saturday looking for it and a lot of gas wasted.

general idea of what part on the 290?

thats srsly fucked up. i mean im poor as fuck and even i would have had the decency to return it with money intact.


i lost my wallet in school senior year, i only had like 30 bucks in it but who ever returned it left the money in it.

with that mentality you may be right…but i know plenty of people that have been riding their whole lives (some over 50 years old) that have never once put a bike down…

I def don’t agree with buying a bike to save on gas, cuz that doesn’t happen.

But 4 months is a little low for most riders on here. I started riding at the end of march, am now riding everyday, and will do so probably until mid october.

that’s 6.5 months. Plus it’s waaaaaay more fun. and bikes don’t depreciate like cars.

i’m on year three without ever going down. Dropped my first bike once, but I wasn’t on it.

i’ve been riding for 5 years, i’m 23…and never a drop.

well…i took the defensive rider course, when i was 18, had never known anything about driving stick/riding before, it was all completely new to me…and on the first day of riding they had us do this “accelerate - sharp turn - straighten out - hard braking” exercise…and i, without thinking, braked before straightening completely up, and at like 5MPH put it down…

i dont count that though since it was in a controlled place (not on the road) with supervision/instruction, i didnt have a license, and was riding for the first day in my life…