Squids. Just a reminder...


what’s so hard about this?

lol in before 90na300zx drops his bike the next time he rides it :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope not though.

just rode it to school, no problems…jerkass…


You may not be a squid. I’ll use Florida for example because they have the worst of the worst. A squid is a newbie rider who bought the bike to make up for his small penis. So he rides in the same gear he takes to the beach and since there is no helmet law in Florida he has his daygo haircut gelled up while his helmet is clipped to the seat cowling. And he rides in high traffic areas on purpose so he can rev his engine and show off at red lights.

Read: Myrtle beach. sameee

I do find my self riding in a t-shirt some times though :shrug:

i wear leathers when i drive my car.

plus, when i flick my cigarettes out the window, your face is more protected from my littering!

if you aren’t rocking leathers for pants, it’s a risk you take no matter what kind of pants you wear. you won’t do any better in jeans then you would in khakis. i’ll be wearing dress pants on mine to and from work also. it’s a risk you take.

i usually wear leather jacket, jeans, gloves with long sleeves going over arms of jacket a bit, and helmet with glass shield.

it has to be 80-85 degrees out or higher for me to ride in a t-shirt and without the gloves…

If some one did that to me, I’d go up and punch a dent into the side of their car.

May give bikers a bad rap, but I was in a traffic jam, so I decided to go on the shoulder of the road (my bike was getting extremely hot sitting there) well, some jack ass in a minivan decided he didn’t want me to do this and cut on to the shoulder almost knocking me over. I stoped right next to him, and punched a fist size dent into the side of his door. The look on his face was PRICELESS:tif:
Bet he won’t do that again.

You’re an idiot.

Yes, I could have just stopped and went around him.

But, if I didn’t maneuver fast enough and I hit him, I would have done a lot more damage to his body, than his car.
Kinda hot headed thing to do, but the guy was a complete JACKASS…

Oh, and FYI: what I was doing is COMPLETELY legal (by driving down shoulder during traffic jam)
I’m not sure what year, but a while back they passed a law that states motorcycles can travel down a shoulder if clear and safe to avoid over-heating. (obviously this applied to older bikes, that could overheat easily)

that’s really really good to know actually…so rather than waiting in traffic you can just go around it without any legal trouble at all? sounds too good to be true…

If by “completely legal” you mean expressely prohibited by NYS motor vehicle law then, yes it was “completely legal.” :zong:

Lane Splitting § 1252. Operating motorcycles on roadways laned for traffic (b) The operator of a motorcycle shall not overtake and pass in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken. (c) No person shall operate a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles.


^ that shits legal in california, Not here


for sure… danmit, i remember reading that about cali, I just figured it was country wide. My bad.

Even then, on a hot day sitting in traffic my bike is like 230* it sucks big time, so If I can’t avoid the traffic, I do what 95% of other bikes do, and go around.

Hopefully you were wearing gloves with the hard knuckles. I hate idiots who get jealous at traffic jams.

Semi hijack.

dont need to make a new thread to have these questions answered.

Bike ill be using is a 79 Suzuki 750GS. It is having the carbs rebuilt and needs a voltage regulator.

I might be able to use my dads old jacket

The bike has been sitting for 11 years.

I will need new tires, brake lines, a helmet, probably gloves, and possibly a jacket.

Anyone care to give me the break down on the major things





You mean cost?