sr question

i think i all ready know the anwser to this but does anyone know if there are problems maiting a fwd sr motor to a rear drive trans?

if anybody is wondering i did some research and aparently the engines are the same

dude… umm… FWD motors sit inside the bay with the 4 spark plugs in a row from Pass side to Driver side…tranny mounts beside the motor
RWD motor goes in a line from front to back… mounts at back of motor.
i may be wrong but im %99.99 sure on this.

try googling Bluebird SR vs SR20 RWD… or asking on might be a better shot.

no offence but im not a retard i know this… im talking about mounting a bluebird motor to a rwd transmission my main conceren was if the bellhousings were the same bolt pattern

i beleive that it will bolt up, but the ignition system is different. The s13/s14 have coilpacks while the FWD DETs use distis.

also the throttlr body will point at the fire wall, not sure if the rwd manifold will bolt up, and the mounts are definatly different.

and the timing cover is different, and the accessories all line up differently

im also pretty sure both manifolds are different

also the dizzy would point towards the firewall it comes off the rear of ve vavle cover on fwd sr, not off the side, so you would have to cut out the firewall to fit it and it’d be a bitch to ever change wires caps etc

Nico has FWD and AWD SR forums. Ask there.

thank guys thats what i was lookin for