SR swap in progress.....

Well the KA finally came out today. The only part that really gave us a problem was the clutch line… I couldn’t seperate any of the hardlines from the softline on the slave cylinder. I ended up cutting a hardline coming off the dampener. I’m hoping it won’t be a problem when I bypass it later. I also made a huge fackin mess of fluids all over my driveway… the gas was pouring out of the fuel lines like a mofo #-o

Would anyone with experience (In Barrie) be willing to stop by and supervise while the SR goes in… probably next week sometime. I guess my main concerns are the clutch line, PS lines, and heater hoses. I’m working from a complete front clip (courtesy of Varun).

Anyways, lots of beer and pizza will be provided for anyone interested. lemme know, and I’ll PM you more info. :wiggle:

Hey you bought that white front clip from Varun with the redtop, right?

good luck with the swap man… hopefully you won’t have too much trouble finishing it up.

yeah, that’s the one… I’m pretty sure I’ve got everything I need to get this sucker going (Walbro pump, 3" downpipe and exhaust). I’m hoping it goes smoothly. :?

just for future notice bud, usually for the clutch just take the 2 14s off the slave on the tranny and that way you dont have to rebleed the clutch line :smiley:

^^^ that way worked out much better when I did the SR. ](*,)