SR20DET no start...

This all started a week ago. I went out to pick up some things at Fortino’s, and came back out to the car to go home. I never usually leave it in gear when I park, just put the ebrake on, but for some reason I left it in gear. Not realizing this, I turned the key to start it and the car jerked forward. Turned the key off then tried to start it again, nothing but the starter solenoid clicking. Checked all my connections, etc, and was pretty sure it was the starter that was toast, so I picked up another one… Suprise, its doing the exact same thing again, just clicking the solenoid when in the crank position. Any Ideas? I cant keep bumpstarting it cause theres not always a second person home, so I gotta try and have this fixed by 5pm today. Thanks guys.

check ur grounds… and body and battery

well if ur starter is clicking its fine, maybe ur battery is going uno weather is changing. that is what happened to my battery.

Figured it out, the K.I.S.S rule applied heavily…I’m an idiot…

what was it

what’s the K.I.S.S rule?

Keep It Simple Stupid rule…iirc.

Lol, it would be cool if he told us what the problem was?

Was a fuse… Keep It Simple, Stupid. The first thing I SHOULD have checked ended up being the problem, but instead I’m out $100 for a starter I didnt need in the first place. Duh…

Lol sucks about the $100, but atleast you found the problem.