SS hardline Vs. Alum hardline Vs. SS braided line for fuel delivery

i need to run a 1/2" or -8 AN fuel send and return line for my SBC and i dont know which material to chose. could prolly get the SS hardline for next to nothing but it may be hard to flare and bend. the aluminum hardline is 40 bucks plus shipping for 25ft and the ss braided AN line is like 140 bucks pluss shipping for 20 feet. i assume ill need close to thirty feet. pros cons of each? im totally new to this so any help is appreciated :nerd:

Honestly, braided line is way easier to work with than hardline. 1/2" SS hardline will be a cock to flare and bend. I don’t think we have any at work, otherwise I would grab some for you to try.

Aluminum would be pretty easy to work with.

Braided line is easy to route where ever you want, but can be damaged when exposed on the underbody.

Aluminum might have the greatest combination of ease and cheapness.

i was leaning toward aluminum. only thing i dont like is it comes in red and blue. i want raw.

raw :

Just remember if you use aluminum I think you need to change it if you decide to go EFI

thats never going to happen so i think i should be ok :slight_smile: maybe S/C in the future tho but thats just going to require another carb.

nice! i was looking in the summit catalog and they only listed blue and red.

Yea, that aluminum is only good to 25psi.

Whats an economical way to plumb EFI?

coated mild steel