braided stainless brake lines

i was wondering if i could by these locally? if so, where?

thanks much.

I was wondering if I could buy braided flexible brake line by the foot, with some type of flared connection on the end. 3/16th preferably.

Anyone got the hook ups? or know of some where that does?

go to an industrial plumbing outlet or store… they should be alble to hook you up.

Jesse are you looking for just the stainless flex line or looking to put some braided flex line in place of a hard line?

Find Earl Brake lines the one you want.

Get the part # (usually like 123456ERL)

Grab the # only and go to Canadian Tire and ask them to look up the part in their Keystone catalog.

Order it. Takes a few days to get.

It was actually me, posting on Jesse’s account last night.

I’m looking for braided line to replace a section of hard line… I have the braided hard-to-caliper lines already.

thanks for the help thus far guys!

Mark, Please tell me you’re using this for that thing you were working on Wednesday night. pretty please?

mmhmmmm! its done, and in… but only with temporary lines. Looks like shit, but will work till i can find braided ones.

Please elaborate, we all hope you’re not putting a flexible line where a hardline should be…