Stallmers EG Coupe

Your a dick

Shut up. :tong

Fixed :crackup

hahaha nice

stallmer son u come to the lot revin ur shit up on central and dont even stop to be liek damn what up singh my fuckin hero ???

now thats pointless :crackup

true and not true a lot of these cars are running oem type r heads which can be built for a lot cheaper than a fully built ls head

did that one or two lb of boost work for you tonight?

I heard matt ran an 11.01 than got kicked out tonight.

If thats true: Wow :wow

also heard the SOHC ran 11.6@120 with a 2.0 60ft…ssac yo :lol

yeah i believe he went 11.01 @ 128-129? mph

shit RAPED!!!

He went 11.01 at 129 and got booted. That teal hatch still isnt any where near matts league so its pointless bringing that up

Why do you say that?

Just curious :rofl

Arod brings up the times the teal hatch ran that wanted to ran matt so badly

Yeah, the guy at the walmart that night, why do you say it’s not on the same level as stallmer’s, seems like a pretty formidable car…owner is eh, but apparently he’s not bad behind the wheel…or whoever was driving :rofl

I wasn’t there though so idk, but 11.1 out of a single cam ain’t bad :nod

where do you get 11.1 from? he said 11.6

ohhh 11.1 was stallmer’s time, my bad. I was confused.

Stallmer trapped almost 130?!


Its more then half a second slower and almost 10mph behind…not even close to matts car

Well that is a trap you would see from a ~500hp car