Stallmers EG Coupe

Eddie, are you going to get a new clutch in that beast before the end of the season?

ordering it this week… :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana

Yo Stallmer, Saturday night…i was trying to give chris an 80mph high five :wtf quit swerving :runaway :nuts

Swerve more and have 2 less eg’s on the road :ponder

I didnt badger him about a car thats not his…Pete just wants to mess with people constantly for some unknown reason

what are you talking about man? i was asking questions not badgering the guy.

Yea don’t ever do that again because if you hit my car i would seriously kill you! :ohnoes

stallmer, hows that fitting holding up?

Like a champ! Shako ftmfw :nod

those guys always take care of me!

Matt the weather is not looking very promising this week ::slight_smile:

jesus pete, when did you start taking your d-bag pills? It was hard to put up with your quite, goofy ass before and now you’ve flipped the switch to cry baby, SRS BZNS instigator that can’t take a joke. “i mean it” rofl.


::slight_smile: relax

why because both leave your BMW in the dust? :haha :nono :ohnoes

Edited motivational posters FTL!


Stallmer you still owe me a ride in this beast!! :giggedy

bro it was on the first page of google, i was too lazy to search for another

Bad news. Since i have a B16 trans and rev to 8400rpm, i will not be running 10s with that. I will be hitting the rev limiter in 4th gear at 125mph. :angry2

Tommarow ill be heading back up to Morgan so we can raise the rev limiter to 8700, or 8800rpm, and boost cut to 20psi.

congrats on the sweet numbers