Stanadyne where to buy??

Currently i’m not running any additive in the TDi and I want to start running the Stanadyne performance formula. Where’s the cheapest place I can get this stuff? I’m looking for a case of either the 8oz bottles or the 16oz bottles.

Thanks in advance dudes!!!

Paging Latin

16oz. $5.99

16oz. $5.27

16oz. $4.97 if you buy a case

dude +rep that blueridgediesel place just saved me $10 from where i was going to order. WINNING

Run BIO! Even B2 is proven to add more lubricity then additives (if lubricity is what you’re looking for).

yea i was thinking about filling a 5 gallon jug with b100 and leaving it in tha basement and just transferring it into 16oz bottles to keep in the car… but i was unsure about how that stuff keeps.

Not a bad idea! I am not sure how long it would be good for either though.

i’m just afraid that if i buy 5 gallons it would algae before i even got to use half of it. and i’m not driving to troy any more often than i have to. FUCK THAT.

There’s no place closer to you? What about mixing B20? I bet the shelf life of B20 is greater considering its more petro-diesel. Since I can only run b2-B5 in my car I calculated that:

1.5gal of B20 and 15 of D2 will yield me approx B2. When John Ray switches over to B20 in the summer I’ll be mixing.

Why is it that all the TDIs that run bio are worth $2k, while the diesel ones are $8-10k.

you’re thinking of WVO. And the answer is because it’s very hard to do correctly with a tdi and most people don’t give enough fucks to accomplish it.

Ah, OK./

What Wayne said. You’re thinking WVO (waste vegetable oil) You have to hack the car basically to get it to run properly thus decreasing it’s value immensely. Plus they usually have huge mileage.

There are different grades of Biodiesel ranging from B2 (2% soy or other similar) up to B100 (100% soy…) There are advantages and disadvantages to it of course but it has FAR superior lubricity in comparison to regular D2 ULSD. I recommend everyone run at least B2 just to keep your pumps and injectors lubed and in good shape. I’ve read several diesel additive tests that compare lubricity and B2 Biodiesel out-performs all of them.

In the new common rail TDI’s like mine, per the owners manual I can only run a max of B5 or less to keep my warranty, so that’s what I’ll run.

Gotta get my TDI lubed up!

I run an rbp additive in mine.

i been just jerking off in the tank, but the mileage suffers.

DUDE! look up D&W diesel, they used to be on railroad ave, their new kick ass place is kinda by keeler


worldimpex sells stanadyne too.

i run power service only because i get it so cheap. stanadyne is awesome and ive heard nothing but good things bout it. ive never even asked about getting it at fleet pride where i get my power service