Starter problem

When I try to start my truck all the starter does is make a clicking sound. Just one click per try. I think it might be the celinoid (sp) but not sure. I tried smacking it with a metal pipe but it still wont work. Problem is, the truck is in the parking lot of my friend’s appartment and I HAVE to get it out of there. Any ideas?

You sure the battery is good?

Edit: btw…it’s solenoid…

usually the metal pipe smacking trick works…

jump it with a screwdriver?

you need a new starter solenoid

you could jump the solenoid, but it would just be dumb because a new solenoid is like $10

well its a standard so I just pushed it then jumped in and puped the clutch and it started. so at least I got it home.

assuming the battery is in decent shape… its the solenoid.

you can test it but just go buy a new one.

there ya go

i once drove my old civic for months like that… i would just drive around till i found a hill. luckily, my parents street was quite hilly lol


a hill to park on? or push it around till you found a hill to push start on?

yes a hilly area in a parking lot. no starter, i would just bump start it everywhere i went. my parents street was hilly, and when i would get to my destination i would find a downward slope to park on