state of GM

True, but when I spend my money on a product, I could give 2 shits about the feelings and lives of the people that made it. As long as I know what it is and why its better, thats enough to justify a purchase. If you buy a car just to show your patriotism you are either A) Old and stubborn or B) Narrow minded idiot

C) young and stuborn. I want to give the least money as i can to japan, fuckers snuck us. When it comes to cars i can surely find an american or non-japaneese product to suit me fine. Electronics are not so easy to find american.

are you telling me an Ion, Cobalt, Neon, or Focus is a better car than a Civic, Elantra, or Corolla? There are about a thousand auto journalists and a million mechanics who will back me up on this…

“pride” in what?

“i’m proud to buy a substandard vehicle, with a shit warranty, assembled by fat lazy douches who let a union (and not profit) dictate their wage increases?”

i do what’s in my best interest. why the fuck would i penalize myself by buying an American car over a foreign one simply for a feeling of “pride”?

When an American car company puts out product comparable to Korean/Japanese makes, AND backs it up with a warranty of AT LEAST 7y/70k, I will look at an American car.

We are all greedy american workers, we make more than the average worker around the world… How many people of a asian desent are driving american cars? They support their product from there country and they are too greedy american workers also. I agree not every american car is the best but they are no means sub-par.

lol… you’re ridiculous.

those “sneaky fuckers” are employing more and more Americans in American factories, while GM ships production off to China and Korea.

My GM was made in Asia… the hundreds of thousands of Camrys on the road were made by Americans. Tying car corporations to their nation of origin is pointless now.

they couldn’t beat us in a fight so they tear us apart through economics!

I make what I make because my boss chose to offer me a wage, NOT because I’m in a union that has him by the balls.

Who cares how many asian people drive American cars… as long as Japanese/Korean cars continue to be BETTER CARS, it’s an invalid argument.

What do you consider “par”?

Benadict arnold…SELL OUT!


you’re out of your fucking mind.


If America became economically depressed, they’d have no one to sell 250k Camrys per year.

i’m the truest american you know.

nothing screams capitalism like the posts i’ve made in this thread.

loving your country has nothing to do with supporting failing businesses inside of it.

i’d buy american, but relatively it costs more for the same/lesser product. why? my guesses

  1. poor management especially R&D and market research, i’m too young to know but i was told that they laughed at honda for years until it was too late
  2. management perks are overly extensive
  3. labor costs, robots do mosta the work so why should you get $50,000 to work in an assembly line… ref German cars and $40k volkswagens
  4. on that note, terrible working conditions and outsourcing in foreign nations… the pyramids were cheap to build too
  5. more bad management/designing/R&D
  6. good old american laziness… compared to the rest of the world we work an insane work week… except the asian countries, and that’s teh only real automotive competition… so it was bound to catch up over the years

F gm. the layoffs suck but no one ever guarenteed me a living so get hustling bc they ain’t calling anybody back

they wouldn’t have to sell 250k camarys are year if GM would have killed what they did. they sold that many g-body per year in the 80’s.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I :heart: Pittspeed

Any american car you dont like

uh, so true

because Japan didn’t have a foothold in the market yet, with the exception of Civics, Corollas, and tiny-ass pickup trucks.

A Camry is a better car then a Taurus.
A Civic is a better car than a Cobalt.

and G-bodies wouldn’t sell for shit if they were still in showrooms… drug dealers don’t have the $28k that a G-body would cost in this day.

If a Saturn Ion is “par”, then EVERY Japanese car to come out since 1988 is fucking FAAAAAAAAN-TASTIC.

I am not saying that. Instead of opening your mouth, why dont you hear what everybody else has to say instead of telling us your opinion being the only one there is and everybody else is wrong. Go read some manuscripts from the Rush Limbaugh program… If your so right go into politics and fix things.

i have no idea what you’re trying to say.

and most times, the market fixes things for us.

i’m a liberal, but this is one time where i side with the conservatives. a product that cannot compete shouldn’t be given an unfair advantage due to nationalism. you buy what suits your taste. OBVIOUSLY american cars aren’t suiting people’s tastes, or GM would be BUILDING factories, not shutting them down.

i refuse to sacrifice quality or value just to own an American product over a foreign one.

Fusion replaced the Taurus, which is better than the Camry

the Cobalt is actually a damn good car