State Police: No more plea bargins for traffic tickets

I don’t :(.

They tried to do this last year and it got repealed because all the towns got pissed off at the hundreds of thousands of lost revenue.

yea i can imagine the revenue from a major highway passing through a small town would be pretty significant in the towns budget, but if it goes to the state it will all disappear in the massive budgets for downstate projects.

This is just another reason why i’m going to slow the fuck down from now on. “Cruising”, here I come…

no doubt.


grr, NYS pisses me off.


Last year it was a little different approach though. Before the state actually passed a law saying the tickets could no longer be plea bargined. While I disagreed with it, at least it was done following the rules of our government. AKA, the legislative branch, who are elected by the voters, passed a new law. The voters yelled and screamed, their representatives repealed the law, the system worked.

In this case it’s an end run around how government is supposed to work. Basically the state police, an enforcement branch, are taking the role of the judicial branch and setting new standards for how cases are handled. It’s scary stuff if you really stop and think about it, so hopefully Pataki gets off his ass and signs the bill that already made it through the assembly and senate.

Since when can State Police make the courts and DA do what they’ve been doing?

Strange. Only in New york I guess

how about u just don’t speed. then u don’t have to worry about who is getting the money from the fines, or getting your license revoked, or getting fucked with 6 tickets in 2 months. done. finished. ova.

does everyone forget that speeding is breaking the law??

So yeah, thank you and goodnight.

last time they tried to do this, in tonwanda i was talking to a lady i know that works in the courthouse, she said “nah we aren’t following that rule”

the courts dont care, they will still probably reduce tickets, or its not worth it for them at all to even be there

cause we dam well know the city of buffalo cops aren’t gonna walk around all day and write parking tickets so the courthouse can stay open lol

maybe because some people live in those small towns that are in need of the money from plea bargains

turns up volume on v1

reason number 1001 to not stop when on the bike…


um okay, so you can remember a quote of mine from who knows how long ago? live on the forum much? everything i said there is true - in the past i’ve had tickets everywhere, they were deserved, end of story. new story - DON’T SPEED, and then you won’t have to complain.

Actually, I didn’t remember you saying it at all, I just thought “just don’t speed” was a pretty stupid thing to say on a board full of enthusiast drivers who all speed at one point or another. So I clicked on the ever so handy “search for other posts by this user” and sure enough, there you were talking about all your speeding tickets and getting them reduced. So if you can’t do it yourself, maybe you shouldn’t be suggesting “just don’t speed” for others.


I really didn’t mean it to be. “don’t speed” sure is the simple answer but I doubt more than 10% of the users on this board have never been pulled over for speeding.

This is something that seriously affects enthusiasts drivers like those on this board and deserves more discussion than “don’t speed”. A speeding conviction on your record can have a serious financial impact when you start factoring in the increased insurance premiums you’ll pay for the next 36 to 39 months.

It’s not simply bitching about another bad law in NY, it’s an attempt to get people to realize what is going on. Had no one been upset last year when they passed a law doing basically the same thing that law would still be on the books today. Instead the word spread quickly, representatives heard their constituents complaining, and the law was removed.

The same thing needs to be done now.

All drama aside:


so this is a NYS Trooper thing, and not a local cop thing?